*Osie’s 18th Circle of Hell triggers*
You’re right about nobody running a 36/24 before though. (Because it messes people up.)
*Osie’s 18th Circle of Hell triggers*
You’re right about nobody running a 36/24 before though. (Because it messes people up.)
i was talking about mountainous. This is a new setup
ahaha… yall should join this… jkjk… unless?
Im bored /in
The Arcanya Is The Means By Which All Is Pushed Off The Table
pregame hugboxing with gocj and doing nothing else cover
very peak
hi jail!!!
/backup @The_Fool @Aleph @YoubutWorse
i’ll fully join if it isn’t filling later
i like persona if you couldn’t tell
Bold of you to assume what that means
the expert is here
me when i commit warcrimes: “sorry im being slighty wacky”
mafia game hosts when they get hit with the “just because you can doesn’t mean you should”
If i ever host a game phases are going to be randomized from 24 to 83 hours each day
And players are going to be randomized from 0 to 3