The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

I’m not going to dispute that

But there’s a difference between baffling and basically throwing

And like

It’s not likely I’m completely discounting him being a wolf

I do think it’s possible, for much the same reason why I think you could be wolfing

He’s escaped death by elimination several times

I just hate this situation where I’m having to spin wheels, trying to figure out what the truth is, without even a single fucking wolf flip. Just hypotheticals upon hypotheticals and the fact that everyone has some other person going “this person isn’t a wolf, trust me”

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Also the mafia want to make sure I die for my failure, Bionic didn’t fail. You did read my comment about Derps right, if I healed him instead of Tutuu, then I am no better position. I was considering Derps but I think Tutuu is better target to be protected/stopped

ok read up


(This post appears to be saying it is wolfy that I make my decision late? Or it could be saying that you didn’t like the way I made my calls, rather than the fact I made them at eod. Regardless, this former is easy to refute so I’ll do that anyway.)

For better or for worse, this is just how I play. I am often indecisive as town, and this being a 17 player game only makes that worse, because it’s harder to properly evaluate everyone.

Here we see EOD1 of TADC mafia, where I was town, and I don’t feel great about any of the wagons (which, here, were Garfooled/Pandora/Someone). I also don’t make a decision until very late, and don’t vote either. And, even though I consider a flash wagon to Rhea, I end up declining this. I don’t make any other effort to change the wagons, and similar to here, I decide that Someone is the best flip, but not confidently.

(context from D2 below)

Another example from TADC:

Above was 30 minutes before EoD.

Then I stop posting as I’m in my notes, and…

I make this post 1.5 minutes before EOD.

Then, I tie the wagons 2-2, 30 seconds before EOD, while hedging.

I wasn’t going “these wagons are bad, I think X/Y/Z would be better choices”. I was going “I’m not confident in these wagons, but I don’t really have better alternatives, though I’d be willing to hear cases for a flash wagon”.

Also, yes, I still feel it sucks that most people can’t be on at EOD. I don’t see how that relates to anything else in your case though. I felt that way because I couldn’t talk to a lot of people, especially those I townread (this was moreso an issue EOD1, though it was still partially a thing EOD2):

And because wolves can reasonably fakeclaim a taken town role if it’s not there to CC (EOD2):

At EOD2, I thought (and I still think) that Bionic is a wolf. But he claimed cop. On the other hand, I TRed Frost, and found Sulit mildly towny:

So yeah, I was pretty much going “I don’t wolfread you but you’re a better kill than Frost”. I was not apologizing though.

I have not “consistently wolfsided at EOD”. If Phraze is wolf, then I wolfsided at EOD1. And if Frost is wolf, then I wolfsided at EOD2. But you don’t believe either of those, afaict.

Also, if Bionic is wolf, which we both find likely, then I forced him to claim at EOD2.

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you’ve basically refuted this yourself:

though, in your case you’re likely powerwolfing if you’re a wolf, rather than trying to go deep. whereas you’ve said I’m deepwolfing:

Also, note that tutuu had put me in their townreads after a while.

Tutuu never said this.


This game would be so much easier if we had a wolf flip

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makes me think of that sorc17er

Things especially suck since it’s obvious to everyone at this point that the town core that was crafted D1/d2 had to have a wolf or two

stop dooming

The one where I had three of the wolves, two of which in correct difference checks on d2 and that we only lost because of a meta misclear?

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I cannot

We are two misexes away from losing, and no closer to a solved game because not even the greencheck we have is particularly trustworthy

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I wouldn’t say we only lost because of a meta misclear
that misclear was probably enough to decide the game, but we made a lot of mistakes before that

I mean, yeah, we literally got down to literal actual Lylo against a full wolf team

And then we clawed our way to f3

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I really don’t know how to feel about these wagons

Like I agree with most of them existing

But I hate them all being tied

u know what that means!!! it means we’re cooked!!

sulit (5): WindwardAway, bystander, Zugzwang, tutuu, Luxy
Frostwolf103 (4): Marluna, Bionic, sulit, sheepsaysmeep
Bionic (1): SirDerpsAlot
Apocryphal (1): Phraze
LittleLee (1): Frostwolf103
SirDerpsAlot (1): Apocryphal

Not Voting (2): LittleLee, Creature

That’s been obvious since about half way through d2