The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

lee was wolf in the past games… :expressionless:

What has this to do with this game? These facts are irrelevant.

Luxy watched Bionic get visited by Marluna
Marluna voyeured Bionic get visited by an investigative role
Bionic copped Luxy green
You tried to Jailkeep Tutuu, but that failed due to a strongman or a roleblock, I think the current presumption was strongman?
Windward tried to track Zug, got no result which means either roleblocked or Zug is telling the truth of having done nothing

Of the Bionic/Luxy/Marluna trio, Luxy can only be a wolf if Bionic is a wolf, Bionic could independently be wolfing because his reaction test was somewhat odd, but otherwise it makes sense for him to be town. Marluna is just a massive pile of question marks. 100% needs to be resolved.

In the you/Wind/Zug trio, I don’t really have much thoughts other than that it’s awfully convenient that you managed to fail to save one of the night kill targets. But it’s not necessarily outing.

What I do think is outing is just the fact that your thread position has continually been “floated as a potential wolf, but every time we come around to tryin to wagon you we start getting pushback” just to then eliminate a towny who had kind of bad posts and was ultimately barely more than a shrug on most people’s radar.


I may seem detached, but I genuinely do fucking try to pay attention

In Strongman case, there’s several roles that has this strongman ability that can be used along with:

Trackers, Voyeur and Rolecop. We know WWA and Marluna have claimed the first two. Tutuu and even Derps were my targets I am considering to use my jailkeep on this, I wouldnt know about vigilante existing if I did choose Derps and assumed I picked the wrong target to heal/roleblock by end of night 2. Nevertheless, this fail actually gain some valuable information.

Not entirely the only outcome. Bionic would be lying about his claim by hiding his true role and come up with different investigative role that doesnt link with the extra ability.

Likewise WWA would be lying about being roleblocked and he’s the one strongmanning Tutuu, Marluna is being spotted visiting Bionic by Luxy, admittingly if this is possible to use strongman outside of the role’s action then its harder to prove Marluna did it, but Marluna is the most innocent of the three in my opinion.

Bionic was given


Chances to drop any fake acts, and affirmed that he greenchecked Luxy every time.

I don’t think Bionic is that much of fps type player, such that if he’s faking this, the most likely reality is him being a wolf. I do not believe a towny would affirm several times over that their check is real except in the situation where they are a chronic fps’er even if it’s at the detriment of everyone else’s ability to read the game.

Marluna’s play has overall been lackluster, and claiming that she’s the most innocent is incredibly ??? to me.

And yeah, wwa could be lying about being roleblocked. My most recent guess at a wolf team included Wind (and you and Marluna).

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Despite him saying sulit is towny and I am wolfy, wouldnt he have checked me in that case instead of going “Oh yeah I bet he will flip mafia tomorrow”

Like is he expecting for some miracle to happen?

He sure made a baffling decision

I’m not going to dispute that

But there’s a difference between baffling and basically throwing

And like

It’s not likely I’m completely discounting him being a wolf

I do think it’s possible, for much the same reason why I think you could be wolfing

He’s escaped death by elimination several times

I just hate this situation where I’m having to spin wheels, trying to figure out what the truth is, without even a single fucking wolf flip. Just hypotheticals upon hypotheticals and the fact that everyone has some other person going “this person isn’t a wolf, trust me”

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Also the mafia want to make sure I die for my failure, Bionic didn’t fail. You did read my comment about Derps right, if I healed him instead of Tutuu, then I am no better position. I was considering Derps but I think Tutuu is better target to be protected/stopped

ok read up


(This post appears to be saying it is wolfy that I make my decision late? Or it could be saying that you didn’t like the way I made my calls, rather than the fact I made them at eod. Regardless, this former is easy to refute so I’ll do that anyway.)

For better or for worse, this is just how I play. I am often indecisive as town, and this being a 17 player game only makes that worse, because it’s harder to properly evaluate everyone.

Here we see EOD1 of TADC mafia, where I was town, and I don’t feel great about any of the wagons (which, here, were Garfooled/Pandora/Someone). I also don’t make a decision until very late, and don’t vote either. And, even though I consider a flash wagon to Rhea, I end up declining this. I don’t make any other effort to change the wagons, and similar to here, I decide that Someone is the best flip, but not confidently.

(context from D2 below)

Another example from TADC:

Above was 30 minutes before EoD.

Then I stop posting as I’m in my notes, and…

I make this post 1.5 minutes before EOD.

Then, I tie the wagons 2-2, 30 seconds before EOD, while hedging.

I wasn’t going “these wagons are bad, I think X/Y/Z would be better choices”. I was going “I’m not confident in these wagons, but I don’t really have better alternatives, though I’d be willing to hear cases for a flash wagon”.

Also, yes, I still feel it sucks that most people can’t be on at EOD. I don’t see how that relates to anything else in your case though. I felt that way because I couldn’t talk to a lot of people, especially those I townread (this was moreso an issue EOD1, though it was still partially a thing EOD2):

And because wolves can reasonably fakeclaim a taken town role if it’s not there to CC (EOD2):

At EOD2, I thought (and I still think) that Bionic is a wolf. But he claimed cop. On the other hand, I TRed Frost, and found Sulit mildly towny:

So yeah, I was pretty much going “I don’t wolfread you but you’re a better kill than Frost”. I was not apologizing though.

I have not “consistently wolfsided at EOD”. If Phraze is wolf, then I wolfsided at EOD1. And if Frost is wolf, then I wolfsided at EOD2. But you don’t believe either of those, afaict.

Also, if Bionic is wolf, which we both find likely, then I forced him to claim at EOD2.

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you’ve basically refuted this yourself:

though, in your case you’re likely powerwolfing if you’re a wolf, rather than trying to go deep. whereas you’ve said I’m deepwolfing:

Also, note that tutuu had put me in their townreads after a while.

Tutuu never said this.


This game would be so much easier if we had a wolf flip

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makes me think of that sorc17er

Things especially suck since it’s obvious to everyone at this point that the town core that was crafted D1/d2 had to have a wolf or two

stop dooming