The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

pondered this and I don’t believe it

like, ok, Bystander is busy, but while they’re here they still do not have any urgency.
and the read on me isn’t that confident and has ??? reasoning, when realistically misexeing in the towncore just loses completely.
There’s also a lot of reason for w!Bystander to vote me when she did, given the VC after her vote:

Bionic (3): Frostwolf103, sheepsaysmeep, Zugzwang
Marluna (3): Phraze, Luxy, Apocryphal
Zugzwang (3): WindwardAway, Bionic, bystander

Not Voting (3): LittleLee, Creature, Marluna

Bys’ push on Frost idk about now

I looked back and see this:

so it’s true Bys had seen Sheep calling Frost mech town, which makes it less bad for Bys to not try to wolfcase Frost
but Bys also didn’t understand it, and didn’t seem to want to understand it much here
so mmmmmmmmmmmmm

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i have never relied on mech or really used mech thats conditional like if you’ve seen paradox you know

does me unvoting make you happy?

i won’t lol

like it’s not like ur going over idk why u complain abt it

I’ve not seen paradox
but ok I’ll look at that

I’m not complaining about your vote
I’m wolfreading you, in part for it

(and no, unvoting wouldn’t change anything now, because as you said I’m not going over)

Tbh ultimately I think not providing tinfoils is actuallly like 50/50 between them. There’s an argument that not feeling a need to actually find tinfoils is twtbaw and also actually makes sense. There’s an argument that providing tinfoils isn’t actually super useful right now today and like could benefit a wolf (open a pathway to eventually vote them if necessary). It ultimately to me feels like hard to decide in this specific thing

For me it’s more just like, creature has a bit going for him meta wise, while bionic has almost nothing, and I would be surprised if it were all 3 (bionic marluna creat or something)

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@Apocryphal @Luxy @sheepsaysmeep @WindwardAway

(don’t [spew / claim] your roles if you haven’t claimed already)

do you have suggestions for vig/tracker/cop/rolecop (note rolecop, if town, can get a redcheck if they find the N2 vig)


I say go these players go with their heart

I mean, tracking/copping slots that are starting to get doubted as to the veracity of their towniness is probably a good idea?

Vigging is going to be a shot in the dark regardless, mechanically better to go for a poe slot than a hero shot.


marluna’s wagon being this stable is a bit worrying

Vig should probably just shoot the one of marluna/bionic that doesn’t get elimmed, and just hope wolves don’t have a doctor. Unless we flip a town and you feel really really justified to tinfoil really justified and want to kill like creature or littlelee
I basically identify with app’s last statement that Poe shot is mechanically better
A lot of the reason for this is just to identify themselves as town vig. If someone claimed a shot other than this in lylo I’d probably want to kill tjem honestly

Cop can do whatever, there might even be no wrong answer at this point

Probably not even that beneficial to talk abt this meh gl


Why? It probably has not to do with mech play

Is it believable there are two roleblockers r n?

Yesterday I would’ve maybe agreed that holding in the tinfoils would be more pro-town, but it’s not that I’m wolfreading Bionic for not having tinfoils. It’s that he’s encouraging people to start tinfoiling and then basically refusing to do it himself and saying he’s bad at reading so he won’t. :person_shrugging:

Marluna (5): Luxy, Apocryphal, Creature, Zugzwang, WindwardAway
Bionic (2): Frostwolf103, sheepsaysmeep
Zugzwang (1): bystander
Frostwolf103 (1): Bionic

Not Voting (3): LittleLee, Marluna, Phraze

If Bionic doesn’t get flipped today I think it might be reasonable to rolecop him
Although there’s a chance he’s exactly the N2 alignment cop as he claimed, even if he’s a wolf
N1 watcher might be good to identify, too, cause if it wasn’t Rhea, it’s a wolf.
I agree with you about the N2 vig as well.

I guess if the N3 alignment cop is town they could also cop Bionic to confirm both him and Luxy, but I feel like it’s a bit of a waste since I’m convinced Luxy is town anyway and I’m not even sure it’s worth confirming Bionic at this point. If he’s town but he’s not gonna actually play the game then whatever. He could sit as an IC in LyLo for that matter but if he refuses to vote it’s gonna be pretty terrible.

I think bystander is a valid alignment or rolecop target. I don’t think it would be too bad to alignment cop anyone in the highposters if we wanted to reduce tinfoiling. I think copping a lowposter at this point is a waste of time but I won’t veto it because I could see myself being wrong on pretty much anything :sweat_smile:

I think lowposters are probably better vig targets than cop targets but if Marluna flips wolf that might be the only one? Highposters are definitely better cop targets than vigs.

I won’t give input on a tracker target because I think it needs to be a bit more wifomy, and also we don’t know if there’s a wolf ninja or not.

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So why are people not keeping the votes there?

Well, if wolves have a doctor and also have a wolf in the PoE I guess at least we’d find out, assuming the N3 vig is town and shoots there?


Because marluna is wolfy and Bionic is just a big question mark?
I would be down to vote Bionic, as I said before, but I don’t really care which of them flips because I think they’re both wolves anyway.

I mean if we want to throw mech reasons in, sure I could say I don’t want Bionic getting to use a ninja kill tonight, but that’s kinda dumb since we don’t even know for sure if he’s what he claims.

Plus people (or at least I remember Luxy) keep saying the wagons are probably both wolves but Marluna is the one who’s been discussed as a wagon target for days and has never actually been a wagon.

Which is funny, cause it’s stagnant now, but considering multiple people keep going DADV I am quite sure the wolves know they can push that as a way to get people off a wagon.