The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]



senior derps a big amount



I understand

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derpa bionic is mafia dont trust them

Hippo is town

Oh, I only read like 200 posts then got bored

But im mafia so im lying and hippo is mafia

damn bionic is mafia

why does he get mafia 12 times and I don’t get any mafia mom said its my turn on the mafia

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I have read 350/450 posts so far and god what a waste of time it feels like lol

yeah I stopped at 200

dw my team will convert you


Such is the nature of a game with me in it

it was a response to this

I am getting the sense that I sorta naturally scumread the general style / tone and stuff on this site… which is like it’ll be fun and interesting but now I don’t rly have anything interesting I feel like saying lmao

Bionic posts
Hippos post suck

Doubt they’re both wolves though
At most one of them is

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