The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

Also something something wolf!Sheep and wolf!Frost planning on Sheep fakeclaiming a roleblock on Frost to prove him not one of the n2 attackers

Have you ever not check the FAQ?

Oh right, how silly of me, I forgot I could also be the vig -_-
How the fuck would I have known Zug didn’t go anywhere???

The roleblocker will win in roleblock fight against jailkeeper

Did you actually read their interaction, though?
If so, maybe I should reconsider
Cause I thought even though the mech claims couldve been partnered, their interaction was not

I’m convinced Frost into WWA into Sheep puts us in a position to win

specially with a good n4

I don’t think anyone is questioning that
the problem is just that it could’ve beenwolf coordination to townclear you
I just personally don’t believe that’s what happened

You have to be narrowed tunnel for long time, but dont even worry about Marluna and yourself, noo

We’re so fucked

I was actually worried about wolf flips being wrong there

what does that message mean

That has

Nothing to do with my point?

I said fakeclaim for a reason? As in

You could both be wolves, and you jailed someone other than tutuu (if you even jailed anyone), and sheep fakeclaimed roleblocking you?

(not that this is productive because I’m arguing with someone as to why they’re a wolf)

Do you guys actually think I would shield Frost this hard when he was consensus poe and go after sulit who wasn’t even suspected??? Lmfao that’s not how I wolf, I would’ve bussed Frost

Yeah OK I’m leaving again

Maybe I’ll be back, maybe I won’t, who cares

You are not worried about marluna flipping town?

i read it, but it was ages ago so i don’t remember the exact stuff said lmao

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Back to thinking Bionic/Luxy are actually just hiding behind mech but are also wolves

Who’s the only person claimed to have roleblocked?

Yeah me.