The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]


The joat? Bystander or phraze
Phraze because lol no claim
Bystander if we match up the actions like
Roleblocker on N2 when she claimed to jail Zug
Tracker and rolecop on the other two nights

Also we’re missing a rolecop claim too, I just remembered

I know they visited tutuu N1

They also didn’t mind being jailkept (and hence roleblocked) N2 so I’m assuming they can only act on odd nights

There are three roles that can act N1/N3 and the N1/N3 doctor was claimed by Apocryphal

It’s possible yeah

i think you are paired with sheep and just in general esp in the beginning ur posts were just bad lmao

it’s hard to explain but in general ur pushes just seemed like they were made before you found a reasoning aka they are agendas lol

Yeah I thought he was alignment cop or else a blocked vig but it was on the incorrect assumption that he didn’t act N1, I forget why I thought that

if you read my progression on you i actually dropped it a bit cuz i thought you were unpaired with hippo before he flipped

Frost, sheep, +2? Who are the other 2 lol

Why did I unvote Hippo and Sulit if these are agenda pushes?

Actually nvm I find this less likely
Zug asked to be jailed so sure if she wanted to pretend she jailed him, but roleblocking him otherwise if she’s a wolf and knows he won’t act on N2 is a waste of an action

I actually never cooked dinner I got stuck here

It really do be like that

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He did specfically asked me to do it.

Yeah I just meant cause bystander says she jailed him

My internet is a bitch, dropping my connection with FFXIV
Or FFXIV is a bitch, not sure which

All I know is suffering

Maybe both

Thats cute, I am playing Foxhole MMO

war ptsd is real

That’s nice, I sacrificed gaming tonight to play forum mafia and I regret every minute of it