The Binding of Isaac Mad17 - Game Over (Terminal Lucidity) [Mafia Win]

As it stands, I have to miss basically all of the next SoDs/EoDs until it’s the weekend again

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specifically, I’m asking because I find some of the ways you’ve applied it to be questionable IMO
and because in TADC mafia, I incorrectly TRed Bystander off of this type of read

Because I have a need called sleep

No shit, me too.

I skipped Saturday entirely like that

Ill be around so expect to be cfd’d eventually, i go to bed at like 11 so 4 hours before eod

You can blame 3 people complaining about the start time even after the 3rd poll.

Sorry, everyone.

If people are going to complain about a damn start time, after multiple polls, and the host being willing to change the start time just so certain people can make EOD. I win the majority, I lose the minority. It’s a vicious cycle, it seems.


*never be around

You voted for this hell and weren’t even here for the start :sob:


5Pm didnt sound any better

Anyway, EoD time discussion is useless

Realistically with 48 hours it shouldnt mayter too much start/end time if we are just smart


Yeah it only matters if for some weird reason all the wolves and none of the town are available at EoD
Which I doubt

It’s a whole five hours earlier how

Unless both choices are middle of the night for you??

(Like 10pm and 3am for 5pm and 10pm respectively)


I didnt do it for the lulz as far I am concerned


VOTE: Frost

I was about thinking to unvote


does Phraze slank less as town?

@Hippopablompoyeetus The starting/ending times is done before the rolecard distribution, how are you coming to that conclussion