we walked into their rolecard and fed them bad results
that sounds god awful
frankly it was the town’s fault for not respecting anticlaim in a bastard game
finally, enough with this zenon’s law please its just superstition! reminds me of my aunt who spins around 3 times when a black cat walks in front of her!
and also trusting someone who literally enters your rolecard like they invite themselves they are RIGHT THERE
*looks at Starcraft*
…man. I really have made a lot of roles and setups. …makes me wonder when it will all end.
i mean at this point its basically turned into a meme, it was and still probably is a above rand indicator, in an average game
but people throw it around like its the holy grail

ya like forgetting to put that day 4 was mylo
No. That was not forgetting. That was not even considering:

Wait… was D4 MYLO? I am starting to doubt myself now.
D4 started with 5 Town, 3 Mafia, and 1 Neutral.
2 Town was poisoned and would die at SOD4.If Neutral was executed, then Mafia wins.
If Mafia was executed, then the gamestate becomes 3v2v1– which is what happened.N4 Mafia killed Town, causing the gamestate to become 2v2v1, which was the awkward MYLO.
If Mafia attacked Neutral, then the gamestate remains 3v2v1 which is… MYLO?
In D5 3v2v1, Mafia would win if Neutral was executed, but if Mafia was executed then the gamestate becomes 3v1v1 which is… MYLO?
If Mafia attacked Town at N5, then Neutral wins. If Mafia attacked Neutral at N5, then D6 starts with 3v1, which is MYLO.Huh… Yeah, I guess both ends are MYLO. Ya, I didn’t think that far at N3, when I opened D4.

Yeah, uh… I didn’t think of all possibilities at N3.
Because I thought Mafia might waste a kill by attacking the Neutral at N4.
But in hindsight it still would have brought the gamestate into MYLO even if the Neutral got safely removed.
i think someone did the math if u take a random group of 4 names they are >rand likely to contain at least 1 wolf. i think. could be wrong
Huh… Ya, I don’t remember any of those.
basically we had an anticlaim where if we guessed someone’s role then our bot would enter their rolecard for us to read their darkest secrets as we see fit
well in this case wasnt it correct though? :3
Me being a Pinapple Vendor in a Creasent game is a gamefaq meme
then we would get the power to roleblock them at will and rewrite their night results
anyways well played Tutuu, you are a monster as town, town lost, but u played a hell of game
shoutout to litten for convincing everyone that being able to invade rolecards is >rand v
as i said in dead chat, day 4 was literally town voting to either lose the game a long side the 3p, or lynch a wolf to enable the 3p again, which is definitely something
so technically town made wolves lose, so i consider that a win