The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

And I am too naive for Idot to die, there is something about them that needs to be alive longer.

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Are people voting the newbie?

I said pretty early on that if I were dayvig I would’ve already shot him.

So you know I’m not dayvig!

Just a quick note, if I die, look at all the parties that swapped to me last minute! One of them will be a wolf.

Hence Choas!

Both could be scum tbh

cause fuck them that’s why

if none of you are confident, kill them and get us another day to think
but i’d rather go for, if nothing else, info

we like to be toxic to newbies here at FoL

sideeye Uhhhh… no?

Tsk, my weakness.

Awful toxic waste of a space that will do nothing but harm the game the longer he is left alive.

bean, are you a nervyyy 3p?

Literally just iso’d them, did not get that impression.

Alright so I don’t want to die,

VOTE: Someone


as with others I would have instaclaimed if i were 3p

It’s the first time I’m playing this game, I don’t want to die on day one! That would make me look like such a noob >:U

They just voted themselves. I don’t need any more than that and their early posts to know exactly what they are.

Think yall are mistaking site culture for toxicity. Though i mighta missed things.

would you have instaclaimed if your wincon doesnt benefit town.