The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

Lemme find it. I’m just trying to remember from the top of my head atm when saying things here

Town frost to me has a certain abrasive edge to himself, in the scum gamed where he almost fooled me he was a smooth operator. He could change that, but yeah sure vibes is close enough.

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They weren’t which is why it’s my fault Someone died I should’ve simply made a good counterwagon

VOTE: idot

How is it that u always manage to make urself the center of every game we are in

oh right i have to iso tutuuuu nowwww

VOTE: idot

Also. @Kiiruma. Given your original role, how was it confirmable later in the game? I see things that can be used immediately d1 and n1. Nothing reserved for later. So…


if anyone wants to double check me

The mention of 3 that I remembered was Psy not knowing what 3P was.

I knew I saw 3 somewhere. And somewhere that Psy’s ability wouldn’t activate immediately but I didn’t know what exactly it was. So in my head I combined them both

I don’t fucking KNOW but honestly can I just go back to having my shit modifier (good modifier) meh role instead of shit modifier (AAAAAAAAAA modifier) meh role :sob:

Fwiw im limiting myself to 10 posts per day (after this post). Ill write big walls instead of normal posts. I want to minimize the amount of time i spend in this thread. A lot of stuff has happened this game that has been killing my vibe. Coming from multiple people. I’ve not been having fun, sorry!
(I pre-wrote this post during the night phase and it has nothing to do with Someone flipping town fwiw)


Im jjst going to assume they are truth telling and u did absolutely nothing to them, but trying to confirm urself to someone u knew claimed they couldnt do anything night 1, is so wild to me. Its almkst like u asked to be executed every game we are in together, and its extremely frustrating playing around this

tutuu how do i iso on sc2 i wanna scumcase you

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Go back to the thread page, click the number of posts. And click their number of posts near their name. I played on sc2 many times

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Why post this now and not at the start of the day before you dotted around small posts

Why exactly does idot have two votes?

i think Garfooled, specifically, is scummy


i believe u need an account on sc2 mafia to iso. this button is at the top right

i also had a very recent scum game on the syndicate. i wolfed with robyn (hal)

here is my iso there (but its backwards because of syndicate software)

in case that link doesnt work here is the thread Nat'l Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - Game End - The Syndicate if you find one of my posts you can click on the number next to “posts in topic” to iso me

that was gar. i sign with -t, she doesn’t

fwiw your grievences with those stuff … the read on you, the awkwardness, those stuff yesterday - that was at gar. i can’t help with that sorry (this is tutuu). all i can ask her questions if you have any

-t 1/10

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Ohh havent played their in a bit, didnt know they added iso functionality to the thread, neet