The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

RVS is dumb but like I don’t know, it usually doesn’t have people getting a bunch of the votes at once.
I sometimes might see 2/3 votes on a random wagon, the same on another.
So seeing just 4 votes and someone being decisively in the lead was weird

from a meta standpoint no, its not a great post though, because one I would think a town’s member would attempt to understand it better or see why it exists, rather than make that post and dip.

My assumption is they made the post then proceeded to go start reading

That is what I am implying as well.

Think of anxious attempt to make first good impression.

idk, not really getting that vibe, but Id’ rather wait for more content from them anyways
I’ve already stated Im tunneling Beancat until i see the things I want to see

I would say from my experience this is pretty common from RVS phases for someone to get that high early, though admittedly my experience hasn’t been in this community.

I feel this puts too much fail in the average town player :stuck_out_tongue:


i get where kiiruma is coming from because
doesn’t that usually happen with players that are in the thread?

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nya nya nya


W/W ez

i also think that you put too much faith in the average wolf player

you seem to consistently argue “why would someone post a scummy post as scum?”

maybe not consistently but you did it twice

-t 21/50

Eh, the very first few votes maybe not.
But just piling on votes on a low/no posting slot… usually not.
I’d expect 2 or 3 votes at most usually early.


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ur right, I have no faith in any of y’all


two-third of the players were still asleep when the game started, that is why I might make attempt to catch wolf somewhere who talked.

Of course a mafia member wouldnt have faith in the town, thats the point

RVS generally happens when someone randomly votes someone immediately and then people follow. Generally doesn’t have anything to do with if they actually posted.

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