The Cyberiad Overhaul - GAME OVER - NEUTRAL VICTORY!

someone (the player) did this in stellaris mash

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To other [players who are] investigatives

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Wait he did???

Welll. To be fair it was after i did. I dunno


Vanillirizer is a role we have virtually never used. How common is it around here?

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FTR we had it written up as a claim for him to not contradict, he just initially misunderstood what he was to claim and we decided to let the confusion stay

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I donā€™t think thereā€™s so much site culture as there is host culture. Zone specifically likes his quirky stuff that are uncommon for other hosts to employ


LBR Zone culture is site hosting culture he owns the queue

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It was after we had already vanillaised someone with an event prize, we had ability to vanillaise someone else on my death, and baker had been and claimed temporary vanillaised; it wasnā€™t made up wholesale

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Anticlaim vanillaisation is fairly common, though anticlaim in this game is. Different. As a regular roleā€¦ maybe? Probably limited-shot? And wolf

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I could be overthinking it but

A mafia vannilizer ā€¦ Mafia already has a tool to deal with claims. And vannilizer confirms people ā€¦ Kind of clunky to use. Potentially makes it optimal to holster vannilizer


Specifically any watcher-type abilities would see the Crisis visit on factional kills; this was in our rolecards. We intended to have him claim this and claim to have not seen the Crisis (so he would know it wasnā€™t factional). I went insane over this in wolf chat so I have to clarify it postgame

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Yeah actually wolf permanent vanillaiser seems weird. Frost was vague about whether ir was permanent or temporary

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Like if i was mafia id much rather frostwolf be poe with a role rather than a cleared VT


it was permanent
i asked 20 posts ago


I have tried to advise Frost to claim things. Itā€™s not easy.

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The fact that people are already bringing up a recent game in which scum faked it doesnā€™t mean much as far as ā€œclearingā€ Frost.

There were people who said Frost hinted at things yesterday.

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frost didnt say enough to be anti-claim vanillized, iā€™d think

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I doubt thereā€™s anticlaim vanillaisation in addition to the Hell Poison


Day ability, I got informed by start of night 1.

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