The Grand Idea Game in which Nothing Can Go Wrong in Any Way Whatsoever - GAME OVER


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I very much enjoy that my roles are too jank to be likely to exist

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I’m an anarchist, so

VOTE: Kiiruma


goodnight good people

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Fair enough

Mafia roles based on possibility:

*More Likely*

(Decently balanced, helps even the score, doesn’t give too strong of abilities: really good role, and enjoyable. I would definitely include this, but im not completely sure on eliza’s thoughtprocess)

(IF the class isn’t random, or is selected randomly from a small pool).

(Given the setup, unlikely. In a vacuum, possible)


(Means there’s no more then one other scum KP or an NK, I don’t particularly believe a decendant fullvig mafia would exist in a game with NK + Strong other MK, but if the MK is weak or otherwise limited beside this, it is somewhat possible)

(Could be paired with the Imp? Its a fine role otherwise except for the weird gimmick)

(Not in the game)

(Possible. If someone gets swapped to this, might as well say it, due to the only claimkill already knowing. Probably doesnt exist in an nk game, because it randomly mysteriously not working (it wouldnt take their role, for obvious reasons) would be very suspicious)

(Evil princess, its… just fine, and theoretically could exist, i think its a bit less likely in an nk game, but thats all i can say)

(I don’t think this does exist, actually. The topposter part is too hard to achieve, but it could be modified to be a highposter)

(Possibly paired with Imp or another “stronger” kp, same argument with nk still applies)

(if the version isnt random)
(And if the version doesnt have to do with being a topposter. Mafia treestump is fine)

Evil King

(The only player this could be is Kii. Same nk/imp/4chan argument)

Possible, but a detail

(If the 50 posts thing is extended/removed, its not a very strong role anyway, so)
(One of the harder ones to detect, but given that two social deduction games not included (tol, cod) is in the game, and an untrusted role just flipped, i kinda think its decently possible)

(If there’s a NK)
(there’s not much use to the daything otherwise, the large large majority of townroles dont hace day actions, and the main one who did already shot)

(IF there’s one or [more likely, more] protectives)
(Loverization is weird. Probably not included in a game with various sources of kp, AKA, this one)

(If no MK and most likely, no NK. I think if this is in the game, it does rule out some other mafia roles)

(If mafia has awful KP otherwise)
(this role strikes me as strange. i could think of all the solutions to the problems it has, i.e making the player send the hosts a screenshot of those liked, but its just kinda weird, and the hosts going through and counting whoever liked a post, especially if its someone like me posting, and however many it is feels… off)
(Maybe it could exist as modified to remove that part, or something else?)
(its still possible)

(if there’s a town rber/doc and an NK, no real point otherwise)

(If NK and vig, or just nk, probably not just because of a vig, maybe two, but that’d be weird)


(i guess its more then possible, just… weird)
(like. really weird. vanilla goon would be more balanced weird)
(doesnt exist in an nk game, i guess it could otherwise but why would it, its just weird)

(there’s not much in the terms of class invests in this game)
(so this is. a role. that would need a very specific setup built around it, and would just be strange)

(too strong to be with any other kp, i think. thats 2 possible kills, immune to everything but kills, just… possible but weird)

(If disabled when it would hit into xylo)
(this doesnt seem very useful, town only has 1 source of global kp, and manipulating it once at the risk of whatever else is in the game is strange, avoiding 1 kill just to risk another from any source of means)

(i dont really see the point of this either)

weird sorta middle ground

(this is just not including details and not at all fleshed out, and is also not very useful)

(just weird. probably not present, especially with the lack of ti’s)

(possible, but whats the point of it)

(just a wish granter, probably just the same as the setup one but kinda pointless)

(depends on neut non nk is in the game, if clownfest is raised/removed)
(and the alignment checker depends on posts, sooooo)
(could exist if rebalanced)

(depends on invests and mafia’s strength)

Unbalanced, possible depending on circumstance

(if no extra MK, i guess? It’s not a very good role, however)
(like. its very much not a good role. its just weird and has many pointless abilities, and doesnt mesh well with the others)

(i dont think this is in the game, actually. its second clause can create a neut, its third clause is just weird and doesnt mesh well, and 50 posts is all some people need)

(i dont think its possible, clause 1 wouldnt mesh well with a number of non-maf kp, clause 2 with nk, clause 3 is just a rb, clause 4 is suler dependent, clause 5 is just wekrd, clause 6 is useless, clause 7 is the same as 1)

(just a really weird rber, pointless and annoying to potentially non-informed nontown

(depends on investigators, just the halloween role but worse)

(not good)

(not good)

(if imp doesnt exist/other kp, weird flavouring probably means it wont however)

(loverize with a weird thing, postlimit is weird, exe predict is weird, gasoline thing is a n5 kill)


(… why)

(not in the game)

(this is just a really weak MK, if mafia wants to push someone they need to risk themself getting equal odds as the pushed person, which just isnt worth it. embraced fate doesnt work either)

(just weird)

(Its just a nightvig, but the extra power is confusing and theres a better role that does this same thing)

(its just a role that (probably cant target mafia for the passive, that would be too strong) makes someone not play the game and makes town have to kill them “just because”)

(some people like playing the game)

*Extremely Unlikely*

(just a really weird lw with a pointless gimmick, with many other better lw’s)



(theres no real point, i think)

(not in the game)

(If heavily replaced, possible, but why not make mafia innocent child into the other VCR)

(gerrymandering is pointless/outs mafia)


Note: some roles i deemed wayyyy to powerful to even quote, mostly infinite conversion and the host mafia, although i dont remember them all

i fixed it and added dialogue of why each one is there!

i got tired towards the end sorry
but those were
kinda self explanatory so




is there a role that puts people in a neighbourhood?
other than the katze roles, I saw those
I can’t see any other ones but I wanna have someone double check that

i think three
2 maf 1 town

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Can you quote them? I am BLIND and BAD AT SEARCHING and the thread is MAJORLY UNORGANIZED

i could only find these sorry
and all the possible choose your own roles

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so its just the former two

none of those would be able to add Kanave and someone with information to a neighbourhood on the same night…
So I guess it was just total bullshit?





i knew that from the very start it was fake

the fact that no role like that exists

and their reaction, if you didnt know that

well good for you :sob: :sob:
not everyone is as quick on the uptake