The Grand Idea Game in which Nothing Can Go Wrong in Any Way Whatsoever - GAME OVER


may+scoot scum

i was like 3 minutes away from sleeping

nevermind moderators!!!

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Whats with the people posting and then back to sleep

i spent the last 20 minutes reading 300 messages and now i know-


day starts late for me :(

Hey i am back. Sleep is for the weak people should know this by now

For me it started in middle of late night / early morning

This is the first time in ever game i am able to be awake for eod. Its amazing

yeah it starts 9 pm for me but i am not an active threader

That game had very clear lines of sight regardless of the number of posts it had. I was able to simplify it down to “Zorvo susses SK, Leafia encouraged Zorvo, Leafia jumped on your wagon”, etc etc etc. I figured you and Leafia sounded partnered not looking at the thread, but doing housework staring into the void considering my options. This game has enough players and enouhg lack of strict direction that I can’t do that, I can’t just abstract all the actions that’ve been taken into a web. I think a lot of it’s just my “oh god I’ve completely lost my touch” panic I have every D1/D2 that fades as I settle into the game, but it’s definitely… hard, here. Especially when there’s so much mech

Australian friendly time frame. I support

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we’ll discuss this in the morning

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anyways my question to may would be
are there not other candidates who seem more wolfy or was i just the one to be drawn from your hat

… this is also why I often start out games trying to bait the most tunnelly player I can find into suspecting me. Achro, Zorvo. It gives me a centre to understand the game around. I can simplify everyone early on into their reactions to that initial push

Besides May, not I am mad at you or anything. Since I have pretty much said there are more social reads to do before making a vote. But why did you jump on IceT’s lead on my CW?

oh right
night (to may)

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so you

agree you look wolfy