The Grand Idea Game in which Nothing Can Go Wrong in Any Way Whatsoever - GAME OVER

Night two begins and will end in 42 hours

Night skip vote

Since day 3 will be skipped, we are allowing players to submit /skip night after submitting their night 2 actions. If all players do so, night 2 will be skipped.

N3 will still happen as normal. We are only skipping N2 to avoid >60 hours of nighttime which is not fun


@Wazza has replaced @AweSAMe. Do not discuss substitutions

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Night 2 has been skipped.

As such, day 3 will begin in 4 hours and 16 minutes


actions locked

night 2 has ended

no one died


No one has died!


night 3 begins, to end at 2023-03-31T02:00:00Z

The hosts noticed that a creature was eating the sun. The universe is undergoing repairs and will be back shortly.


Confusing mechanics PSA

For all mechanic purposes, day 3 happened and lasted exactly 0 seconds. This means it is currently night 3 and you may submit night actions again.

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actions locked

Sorry for the delay everyone, the local celestial body supermarket was quite full.

Regardless, we have managed to secure a replacement sun and some ragnarok venom, which should prevent further incidents with our local star.

We apologize for any inconveinience we may have caused.

No one has died in the night!

Day 4 has begun. You have 24 hours.

what the fuck

bombb zone

right now

im talking to you, beancat