The Grand Idea Game in which Nothing Can Go Wrong in Any Way Whatsoever - GAME OVER

Honestly, if it didn’t impede my wincondition I’d be so tempted to exile a player I have as a serf from the game.
I should’ve done that yesterday when it came to Wazza actually.
Doing that last second

I hate that

Who are your serfs again? Jake and…

the quotewaller
I am so sorry I don’t know what else to post

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frost, may i get a claim?

It’s a good thing wolves deffo can’t fake modclear themselves



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So why didn’t IceT went to investigate me on the first night?

Hmm? Can you explain that one?

Wait but isn’t there other special roles that frost could potentially have? That’s what I’ve been wondering


frost. may i get a claim

Atlas is checking rn iirc

yes obviously!

There’s no balance remember!

Or was

why are u stalling frost

yes. i already checked
frost. claim

Cryptic role.

Have you not seen mafia with the ‘innocent child’ ability?
Really shakes things up