The Grand Idea Game in which Nothing Can Go Wrong in Any Way Whatsoever - GAME OVER

So many new people in here!

Hello scoot, Kana fake checked Merpy to test his reaction and his reaction was :gun:


The reason why Merpy shot in the first place was because Kanave claimed that Merpy is n0 redchecked. She flipped a role that had nothing to do with redchecks, so we are presuming that she probably lied and tried to do a reaction test on Merpy. (guava explained this as well, FWIW.)

Yeah Merpy is likely a town sheep who just did what they believed to be the right call

I can back up Guava’s info btw
This is p in character for Merpy

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Ok maybe town sheep isnt the correct term but you get what i mean

Yeah… So anyhow, it’s probably best to just shrug Merpy off as town. The only thing that can go wrong with this is if they she gets converted, but that’s a paranoia hole that I am not jumping into.

…? Did you answer the question before I asked it? I must’ve missed it then. Which role could have announced the message, other than [Role 3]?

I remember a game with 2 cult factions that seeked to defeat each other and gain parity with town

the modposter is town, unless they are mafia innocent child whos root access doesnt work, mafia innocent child with the hong kong, or another one who picks their own abilities


VOTE: silviu

this stays until they vote me

You did not tell me what number your rolecard is, not to mention that no one else is voting you!


why is silviu not in the alive players

Oh shoot, somebody found me out!

silviu, why are you so nervous to place a single vote on someone

Asking a specific person to vote you sounds like it has hidden intentions.

being a serf would be scary.

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the entire thread full of the roles is

if you dont trust me you can skim it
otherwise you have no excuse

im only backreading what I missed since I came. 700 posts is a lot. I def expected less just due to this being discourse

I suppose you are hinting to me that you are not allowed to reveal your rolecard number. I guess I’ll do just that.

this shows that I shouldnt compare different discourse forums to each other because they dont necessarily act the same.

I feel like math can very easily become busy work that mafia do instead of solving. Esp cause the math can look important.