The Lynx’s Eye — Teasers

Rambling nonsense

Dollmaker. *sees a plushie that’s similar to snowe’s current profile picture* *laughs*[REDACTED]. Dreamcatcher. Purple thread. Similar to that of Mitsukai Ranmaru. Except not red, but purple instead. Pretty. Purple coat reminds me of Momota Kaito from DRV3.


I am proud of being able to understand the first two kanji. Thank lord my efforts of learning Japanese were not in vain. (But also: I still hate it. Genuinely, (this) part of me still wonders why I even bother learning it at such a slow pace.)

TIL 天石 is a legitimate family name, and is pronounced as Amaishi. (I knew it could be pronounced that way, but it could’ve also been Tenseki. TMYK…)

Huh… Curious. Not only does the third kanji replace “beauty” with “bewitching”, it also has the kanji of “demon” in it. (Which, I ironically talked about approximately a month ago.) “Surely this isn’t some foreshadowing to some incoming disaster.”

Not sure what he meant by the second quote. Saving lives by making dolls… I guess with emotional support? Other than this, there really isn’t much to say about him. He just sounds like any normal person who happens to get mentioned by whichever scout is giving “us” these reports.

Speaking of which, who are “we” anyway? Or rather, who were these “spotlights” meant for? I doubt it’s the academy themselves, since the scout spoke to the reader as “someone who doesn’t belong to the academy” in Ichiyanagi Nagi’s synopsis. So… is the scout an amnesiac, or a spy to some evil mastermind?

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We currently have 7/15 spotlights, and with each new spotlight I am getting more and more confident about this guess.

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TIL 星ノ宮 is an actual family name. (It is very uncommon as far as I can see, but it does exist.) It could also be written as 星宮, but I guess my speculations about this name bearing ill will or something was wrong.

Since it is a rather uncommon name, I seem to be able to find virtual usernames faster with this last name than actual people. According to this one site, there are only around 10 people with this family name in the Ibaraki Prefecture. (Having that said, I dunno how reliable this info is.)

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(im getting burned out so once we get to #10 i might take a break before doing the rest)


(i’m saying this cuz i have the next two already done im just pausing for dramatic effect)

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Student Spotlight #8

Kyouka Hagekawa, Ultimate ???

Hey, it’s me.
The paper trail leads here. I’m sure I’ll find what I’m looking for.
This academy, this killing game…
I’ll find the truth no matter what it takes.

I’m Kyouka Hagekawa, the Ultimate Private Investigator.
I come from a middle class family in a medium-size town. I’m on the trail of the terrorist organisation VESPER. My sister was among the lives they’ve taken.
I met Yumihiko Tatsuhashi when I came to the city a year ago. We’ve become good friends.
—[R: more details]—



i like this idea for the narrator of these bios
also mc material which is cool
PI is also way cooler than ultimate detective tbh :joy_cat:


(its not much of a spoiler to say that yes, she is the protagonist)

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FINALLY. It really was a–
Actually, what are these? These vibes… Is she an amnesiac after all? Did she keep writing memos to herself?
(That just sounds like a bad idea. That way, it’s easy for anyone -including herself- to manipulate her own memories. Case in point: Plot of the crime thriller movie from 2000 called Memento.)
(Additionally: 音無涼子)


…the 2nd and 4th kanji makes sense, but “owl flower” (梟花) really makes no sense compared to 鏡花 (mirror flower). It’s so weird that I couldn’t find it even after using this site.

Then there’s the surname… gorge/ravine river… I don’t even know where the “hage” pronounciation comes from, and if you google 峽川, then you’ll get Xiachuan; a Chinese town.

Perhaps it is time for me to stop reading into the names of these characters… Like, the best I can think of as to why the third kanji replaces mirror with owl is because she’s a birdbrain who forgets a lot of stuff.

But then I look at the first kanji, and then I just stop.

There is no logic that I can see behind that name. It’s like giving someone the surname “Beautiful” (which is a synonym for “gorgeous”) because their family lives near a gorge. The logic is so far-fetched, it might as well start its own religion.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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…stuff like these is why I hate learning Japanese.

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I can’t find the place on Google.

Unless the Japanese referred Xiachuan as Hagekawa, or unless Hagekawa is one of the many old small towns that got absorbed into larger towns like Jousou, then I don’t even know anymore. How the heck that one website got hold of Hagekawa as a place is beyond my understanding. For all I know it could have been some coincidental bogus, and I would be none the wiser. I’ll just give up on names.

Protagonist? Oh yeah, Ranmaru mentioned her in their quote. Neat. I don’t know what to do with this information.

Prediction? Unless she’s a fake protagonist like 赤松楓, then there’s nothing that could possibly kill her because [plot armor]. There’s nothing to predict about her, because she can literally be anything.

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about the names

some of these names are puns in the japanese language, a la the ace attorney franchise. some are more stretchy than others (i am not a native japanes speaker). kanji analysis on these ones may not work.

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Time to quit a job I never started.

(Haha. Joking. Unless?)

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The saddest part of this kanji is that it can grow worse. Ever heard of biangbiang noodles?
(Never mind… the center character of that abomination is that of a horse; not a bird.)

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you know, i have :joy_cat:

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absolute paintchad


To my special someone out there…

Ah, never mind.



Doodle Page — Hairstyles/Accessories from Behind, + Assorted Poses


Student Spotlight #10

Yumihiko Tatsuhashi, Ultimate Violinist

“I’m the world-renowned violinist, Yumihiko Tatsuhashi! Wait, y-you haven’t heard of me? What do you mean you think classical concerts are boring?”
“To be honest, I’ve always wanted to play pop music, but what kind of idol group hires a violinist?”

The son of the extremely wealthy old-money Tatsuhashi family. Since he was born, he’s always had a high profile—nobody was surprised at his admittance, given his family’s record. His technical skill on the violin matches the best in the world. He’s frequently gone on tours around the country, though the news doesn’t make it outside of classical music circles.

He thought that “abode” was the past tense of “abide” until the first year of middle school.
He’s a total dork and I love him for it.


(and thats where im taking a break for the time being, glgl)