Rambling nonsense
Dollmaker. *sees a plushie that’s similar to snowe’s current profile picture* *laughs*[REDACTED]
. Dreamcatcher. Purple thread. Similar to that of Mitsukai Ranmaru. Except not red, but purple instead. Pretty. Purple coat reminds me of Momota Kaito from DRV3.
I am proud of being able to understand the first two kanji. Thank lord my efforts of learning Japanese were not in vain. (But also: I still hate it. Genuinely, (this) part of me still wonders why I even bother learning it at such a slow pace.)
TIL 天石 is a legitimate family name, and is pronounced as Amaishi. (I knew it could be pronounced that way, but it could’ve also been Tenseki. TMYK…)
Huh… Curious. Not only does the third kanji replace “beauty” with “bewitching”, it also has the kanji of “demon” in it. (Which, I ironically talked about approximately a month ago.) “Surely this isn’t some foreshadowing to some incoming disaster.”
Not sure what he meant by the second quote. Saving lives by making dolls… I guess with emotional support? Other than this, there really isn’t much to say about him. He just sounds like any normal person who happens to get mentioned by whichever scout is giving “us” these reports.
Speaking of which, who are “we” anyway? Or rather, who were these “spotlights” meant for? I doubt it’s the academy themselves, since the scout spoke to the reader as “someone who doesn’t belong to the academy” in Ichiyanagi Nagi’s synopsis. So… is the scout an amnesiac, or a spy to some evil mastermind?