Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Signups (18/18) - FULL

the kill passes
it dying absolutely does not cripple the jackal team

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y’all really just love making the mafia team fucking cry with your 3rd party groups


So the mafia can’t vote to kill the suspected jackal so they can use double kill.

Hey frosty, ready to play Happy House 2.0?

No sir, this is patrick.


I was thinking it’s Natural Habitat Shorts.

I see only half of the changes made through.

It’s fine, parity Jackal was a stretch of a rework anyway.

I would go with limits onafia head revruot tho. Im specifically worried of underboss jakling Jackall m1 and just giving him both protection as well as all infornation out-of-thread.

Which ruins a bit whole design basing on limited faction communication.

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Feedback is possibly a tiny bit too detailed.

Altho game is very nicely crafted when it comes to old ToS roles.

For example lookout cannot combine with spy. Sibce they get ni names if more tham 2 visitors visited same target.
Amd spy who could detect if o e of them is mafia makes resjlts non-conclusive.

I love the game polish on the old game basis.
Way better than FoL was. (No offense @Geyde )

Its just jackal faction having issues.

Not gonna add me to Backups.
I see how it is.

And I would still recomend my change for Marshal to scare investigatives, I know Geyde forfot that one, but if you keep jackal like it is, marshal needs to be more viable retrain.

Welcome Back

You two should join with Appel tbh.

As much as I wanna join, I can’t play anything till like Friday Night as I’m currently on vacation at cousins. Far away from Home. 3 and a half hour drive away to be exact.

I also changed my PFP to an Anime dude that looks like they have a shadow.

I have a Shadow.

Welcome have a Shadow.

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Gotta be careful with how I post this game too.
Trying to get better.

This game relies more on mech which is better

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Correct play for mafia is to claim PRs and fight for theirs spots.
That’s why theirs roles are perfectly overlapping with 1-2 town ones.

Without aggressive mafia play game becomes difficult for them to win, due to overlap of too much of town roles.

You are saying it’s a lot of mech, but realistically it’s not mech type of game, but rather very contested one on claim-slot basis as main design trait.

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Yeahhh, it relies on social reading too

/uninformed spectator. @Amelia

I apologise, something has intervened and I won’t be actively playing the game.

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