@Frostwolf103 @beancat @Hazardwaste
may i ask all three of you for your most recent scum games, please?
and if u wanna link more than 1 - feel free to
Good morning
Yall really gotta hammer when im gone huh

could you please claim your role names and abilities, and if you hid something, now is the time to full claim the truth, please
I’m what i claimed, with one change
I’m a spiteful scapegoat, instead of just merely being excluded from the tie I get to choose who dies
Thought not claiming that would increase the chances of there being a tie from 0% to 1%
uuuh the one i played with baker
[film_poster_900] Welcome to Lackadaisy FM: pick your poison Hosted by @Frostwolf103 Cohosted by @Leafia Reviewed by @Marluxion Rules: Follow the Forum Game Rules. Post a minimum of 10 game related posts per day phase. Fail to heed the former rules more than twice, and you will be subbed out or modkilled. With the exception of the first rule, the host has the ability to add and/or remove rules in the future. General Mechanics Days last 48 hours unless majority is reached ear…
do i case the 300 poster first or the 500 poster first
decision of the century

I’m a spiteful scapegoat, instead of just merely being excluded from the tie I get to choose who dies
spiteful sounds mafia

but in a this role is a really weird mafia role way

I like this one

anyways hi im town also my role really hates hammers so I really encourage not hammering or putting someone close to hammer until we’re certain that’s our execution
Keep in mind, IceT claimed first before Beancat have to say, I like this one. It doesn’t necessary lead to believe that’s one of the reasons why IceT is left alone. But you don’t say hammer’er role claim is okay and is traditionally an mafia role.

what’s the case on zenon?
oh nvm they only have a 100 posts this game let me go read em real quick
Zenon catchuplots of eyebrow raises yeah i can kinda see why yall want this slot dead I’d like to suggest hippo tho cause i saw smth in the middl…Summary
wow first post i have anything to say about halfway down the list Same thing with Achro here, like why tf is this tmi Same thing here uuuuh okay the rest of the readlist i can see where they’re coming from so i think it’s fine, just what is that shift on hazard ftr i slank as all and any alignments unless im particularly bored at work
Up until here is quite obviously a joke, smth that hippo’s known for (i think) but then Saying “oh that’s a joke” on their own comment def doesn’t feel like a towny thing to do
I don’t get why that would be town thing, it doesn’t say Bean is townreading Hippo for it.

they literally made you top wagon

read their vote lmao
that’s honestly one of the townier things they’ve done so /shrug
Why does Beancat don’t mind this from Zenon?

My reasoning tells me that mafia probably has a secret multivoter and/or can get extra votes somehow so we probably need to watch out for that

my ability causes hammers to require 1 less vote

wait i can read
She forgot that IceT claimed and say yep cool.

hm okay that’s kinda weird ig
that kinda feels like a mafia ability
Ah she does think it is mafia ability.

im a scapegoat - the first time there’s a tie im not included in the rand, every other time I will be the one to die

Hippo was kinda one too, so you were not the only one.
Is that one of softclaims?

hat moment when you realize if zenon is wolf maybe bean vote was a bus vote by zenon to distance

What prompted this

I had this thought before you posted due to zenon meta
but also you thinking that was towny for zenon when as town I’d hope you’d be a little suspicious of people trying to murder you.

I really dont appreciate you pushing this narrative
Maybe youve never been voted for activity so u dont know, but zrnon’s vote was clearly motivated out of a townread
Like it’s abundantly clear that they townread me and you saying im not pushing back on someone trying to kill me is ???
Ppl say achro clears themselves but idk i kinda wanna see them die
“Poor choice of words”

Yea fuck it
VOTE: achro
Zenon (3): Achromatic, tutuu, Apocryphal
beancat (2): Kiiruma, Zenon
IcetFeelsPain (2): Hippopablompoyeetus, baker
Hippopablompoyeetus (1): Hazardwaste
Kiiruma (1): Kabazame
Zennon (1): IfGodCouldDie
Achromatic (1): beancat
Not Voting (2): Frostwolf103, IcetFeelsPain
This is also during the time that Achro made train express to Zenon

Ima focus on the one wolf on wagon
The start of the wagon:

Okay well if I get two swings at scum, I know Zenon runs herself ragged anyway so her getting a vacation is okay if I am wrong, and I am curious if my tell I have for scum Zenon is truly a tell or I am full of shit…
VOTE: Zenon

VOTE: Zenon

Zenon wagon let’s go
VOTE: zenon
Just sheep.

Let me hammer Zenon I have a perfect gif for the occasion


Anyway IGCD I shouldn’t do this really, but I have been dying to test my tell on zenon because she thinks she isn’t polarized and I think she might be

Yea you and Han are the only two I will consider sheeping day 1 no questions asked now that i actually have confidence in my abilities
VOTE: Zennon

Im sheeping achro and then voting them tomorrow if they killed a town and alive probably

VOTE: Zenon
Zenon? More like ZenGONE

What the fuck
That…doesn’t help. Notice how Bean first called first two after Achro sheep and refuse to comment on the remaining people.

I feel like literally anyone can say here “oh one of these sheeps is scum F”
…how much do we trust kiiruma
One of the first to distrust Kiiruma, interesting.

@beancat come out and work with me here

let me read apo in peace and ill join ya
ftr a) I’m at like 2/3 of the way there and b) i think we should figure out the zenon wagon first, catching a wolf outside has possibilities but catching a wolf inside is clearing for a ton of ppl
Okay this is actually one of the towny posts and that’s Bean post number #42 out of couple of thousands and half.


And here we are, blind sheeping achro into zenon despite having townread them
They’ve posted more times about them spamposting than they have explained any of their reads/positions
This feels like the scum sheep to me
That’s not wrong in first glance.

You are voting me because I voted you and you said it was “a wolfy pop in”


Your pop in was objectively Wolfy and none of your later posts have improved on that

But randomly jumping in to vote a wagon that was getting started without any prior posts? That is objectively wolfy

Fake read detected
Apo looks like they just went “oh hippo scum” then added some phrases to it to make it look nice
“randomly jumping in” girl that “gogogo” post was clearly a meme
First of all, before Hippo voted Hazard. There are four votes in Apo’s wagon at that time:
Himself, IGCD, Achro and Baker.
I am thinking that was RVS at the time, Apo becomes defensibly and voted Hippo not only that, but also naming Apo incorrectly.


Of the people on Zenon’s wagon, Id say the busser is probably either Hippo or IGDC?
But I feel like it’s more likely to be pure, and the other two wolves are off wagon

Starting the day off strong continuing their unexplained bad vibes of hippo

VOTE: IfGodCouldDie

You have committed the crime of being in a scummy position on a wagon

“scummy position on a wagon” being “sheeped achro”, as i mentioned before
Votes IGCD instead of hippoLike they’re just continually saying “hippo should die” but doesn’t want to be the one to champion it
I smell a ML
Shading Hippo and Apo as partners, I think I see?

Why is it a bad argument?
The baker part is a bit iffy, but everything else is more solid
Tutuu and Hippo are Achro legacy town
I know I’m town
That leaves you and Baker
I think your wagon position looks worse, so I’m voting for you

Okay we got something finally cleared up here, the reason they haven’t been pushing hippo is
Because of Achro?
Achro’s dead why is this slot continuing to go “oh im just sheeping achro” and not sticking up to their own things
well, no it’s not like that initially.

My eyes are exploding out the side of my head
VOTE: Apocryphal
Bean’s response to vote Apo because unwilling to vote Hippo over IGCD. Despite Apo being vocal about Hippo D1.

Was it icet or hazard that claimed the -1 er
Id like to remind people that i exist as a scapegoat so im 80% sure the one role that allows me to doe would be scum
Forgot again and unnecessary reminder.

Good morning
I is backApocryphal (3): tutuu, beancat, Hazardwaste
Hippopablompoyeetus (1): Kiiruma
Hazardwaste (1): ApocryphalNot Voting (5): Hippopablompoyeetus, Kabazame, baker, Frostwolf103, IcetFeelsPain
Apo/hippo seems like there’s 1 wolf in there
Id implore everyone to get on those two and not have vanities
yes this is me yelling at my unoptimal vote yesterday
…what? That goes against Beancat’s consistency she made earlier and now also includes Hippo to be put as one of the wolf with Apo?

If we trust Kiiruma we’re now at tutuu vs Hippo right

Anyone got any questions for me
Otherwise ima go read tutuu for the next like half day
But no, forget about Hippo. it’s Tutuu. Or doesn’t want to case Hippo anymore because how bad the situation looks.

Good morning
Yall really gotta hammer when im gone huh
I think that was indeed done in the morning for you, however you haven’t catch on why the hammer did end up quickly.

I’m what i claimed, with one change
I’m a spiteful scapegoat, instead of just merely being excluded from the tie I get to choose who dies
Another voting manipulative role, not surprised to be honest.
@tutuu On second glance, Bean does stink yeah.
You want me to case Hazard too?

@tutuu On second glance, Bean does stink yeah.

Hmm, normally on first instance I would vouch to get Beancat.
So yeah that’s my confirmation I put Beancat > Hazardwaste first

You want me to case Hazard too?
yes please!

Im self resolving d1 claim never resdincing

forgot this. time to wait and see i guess.
Before post #615 I don’t see anything remarkable from Hazard, at that point Hazard hasn’t responded to Zenon’s accusation of Hazard being TMI. About quote in particular is not good or evil behind that, I will see if Hazard change his opinion throughout the game.

Frost is deffo town btw, if frost has at leadt 10% of their posts making sense theyre town, this game they are at a record 25% sense

lot’s of post like this of frost and hippo backing each other up
Not a lot of posts, but he’s not wrong I was backing him up at that time because vibing with old guard we intent to solve together. But me and Hippo didn’t do that and we kinda left each other alone. Up until Day 3.

oh this is probably just good then unless Wolf medium makes a return.
Reference to April Shower’s Blizer claim of medium who also have PGO in his role, not to mention mafia. What it looks like that he’s willing to accept the claim with dead interaction.

Dead interactions exist in this game.


And yeah kiiruma is town. I am biting my hat on this till proven wrong.

What has kiiruma done to inspire such a strong town read?

We know each other from outside of FM in general in a different social deduction community.
He / Me often read each other quickly, sometimes we’re right, sometimes we’re wrong.
We basically both always want the other to be on our team but often end up with some paranoia that we’re on opposing teams.

In short yes. An i think kiiruma is town just literally cause he doesnt do a random vote on me if he was scum. He would show conflict before the vote to show he is faking internal struggle. Here he just said fuck it

Smells like

This does smell like TMI
I don’t need to read I just wait for zenon to spam and then read what she reacts to and see if I agree. This is such a bullshit read from Hazard LMAO. That’s not how to read Kiiruma at all.
VOTE: Hazard
I don’t know what Achro sees Zenon at that time, however Achro is agreeing with Zenon that this wolf meta from Kiiruma is meta af. I am not taking a side on who’s right. I think that’s a difference between Achro, Zenon and Hazard. However It is Zenon who immediately calls TMI.
From looks of things, like what Hazard has claimed before when he’s 50% VT all the time with his double vote claim later on, it doesn’t look like Zenon is wanting to bus Hazard because Hazard has weak role and I thought Zenon doesn’t like ‘powerful town role’ claims, arguably that would fit with Hippo’s role that flipped by D3, but the double vote is real. It is weak.

That’s not how to read Kiiruma at all.

Achro. you know how many games i have played with kiiruma. for most of last year i played botc with him nearly every day. why would i create a bullshit read when it is very well known i am good friends with kiiruma :P that just sounds like me hurting myself more then anything

Smells like TMI and trying to hide it by knowing Kiiruma.
I know the texture of your soul, Hazard. You cannot fool me. The whole point of TMI is in theory it makes kind of sense, but you’re not the type of town to confidently assert things like ‘name me one game where he hasn’t done this!’ You are too certain. Because you are weak. So you are feigning strength. Because you are a wolf. As a proud villager you are humble and willing to consider things much more closely. I have danced with you amongst the stars, Hazard. I have seen you grow and bloom before my eyes. You are my cute kouhai, and I enjoy playing with you.
But I am also sorry for your rand.

this is gonna be funny.

so you are stating… i act more confident as evil? @IcetFeelsPain @Kiiruma tell Achro my confidence level in BOTC server compared to here. My raise in confidence is hundred percent a reason i understand being scum read for but its because i am getting more comfortable with you guys and am slowly feeling better about being here (which outside of the game thankyou guys so much for being awesome and allowing this <3)

when it comes to scum reads XD i feel like shit if a scum read i have is wrong so i try to make it more carefully, with town reads its more of a “Fuck it i figure it out later if i am wrong”
I’d say that’s a good response against Achro, he’s not showing to be afraid and did respond what Achro need to know to have more depth behind his reasoning to have Kii as town.

i hate that to be completely honest cause i am just being punished now for swallowing my stress and producing a read. i may just go back to being anxious about everything cause apparently thats how i should always play
Moving on.

m slightly townleaning godcoulddie for … how do i explain it. i dont know. for putting emphasis on their role as an opener, roles that confirm others are generally town, and that baker vote felt like a “let me stir the pot” kind of vote, sort of. Struggling here coz not too experienced with english phrases to express myself cleanly. I think i managed to express only 70% of what i meant to say in my head

??? i mean it is a read but it felt forced and overworded XD

I like that u guys easily townread me here on fol i appreciate u. The situation with me getting townread is quite different on my homesite lol. Id be top wagon rn if i had made the exact same posts, i guarantee u that

this feels both townie due to them seemingly being emotionally happy about not being scumread but it can also seen as being scumie… in short this sentence does not spark joy but it also does? i dont fucking know
Hazard don’t know Tutuu’s meta, however trying to get understand what makes a difference. I’d keep eye open what Hazard is thinking of Tutuu since he seem to intend to solve tutuu early on.

it is so cool that I can actually do whatever the fuck I want

as someone who i believe has been scum for a bit in the mafia setting this just honestly feels like someone being free from that bond XD.
He do believe baker is ‘emotionally happy’ not to be mafia, if I read this right?

as I said PLEASE don’t get people close to hammer 4 votes should be max

does scum not want to hammer in a hammer themed game? this could be over acting i guess looking at it sideways
Hazard has opposite view on IceT’s claim not like bean.

last up is apo

Incredibly fucking wolfy pop-in

do a post of hippo voting them which is fair but like that feels weak for a vote reaction. if you can understand.
/shrug apo hasnt really done anything else of noteworthy
Fucking fair, mate. Fucking fair. However this is important post later on.

And I suck at that because I ain’t gonna get into big arguments and debates using evidence and logic and shit

in short @Achromatic here you go
VOTE: Hippopablompoyeetus
Not more than three posts later, this vote feels natural that made him prompt to take a side.

however, it is about time they show some concrete reads on others besides meta

read back up and see that i iso’d like way too many people cause achro put me on the spot XD
Baker does make a point here, but all right moving on.

How did you end up on that Hippo vote? None of what you said during your ISO suggested you had a read on him, and conveniently your vote made him top wagon. Feels like a bandwagon vote to me.

Literally i cant write scum cases! i never can! and i dislike how achro knowning this put me on the spot and threw pressure on me to do so. i read all iso’s and the ones i hated the most were Hippo apo and IGCD. apo and IGCD i want to see more of. hippo just had more dislikes then the others.
Again regret i ever said i was confident.
While Zenon also replied that she doesn’t like Hippo post in middle of his ISO at that time, I will keep this mind what develops.

forgot this. time to wait and see i guess.

this line was weird to me but it fits hippo’s play style i guess?

lot’s of post like this of frost and hippo backing each other up

I’m not seeing anything here that implies you’re reading him scum except maybe the Frost part, but Frost doesn’t even appear to be on your radar so I don’t feel like that means much either. What exactly did you dislike from your Hippo ISO because I’m not seeing it here

Simply. He votes apo doesnt explain. ninja vanishes

VOTE: Apocraphyl

VOTE: HazardWaste

Come back votes me when i said it was a meme vote he said

I didnt see the meme youre the only post i remember posting meaningful content so voting someone else is boring

voting me cause i was the only meaningful content which i wont lie took me by shock cause i dont post alot of meaningful content. just seemed like a reason to hop on a 2 player vote train.

Frost town

i am being scum read for this type of voting so here you go

VOTE: IcetFeelsPain

guess what. ninja vanishes
And the only player he has town read was frost which frost recipricates back to hippo

So it may be just NAI coming from Hippo, especially asking me if I know someone is town, which I answered with Oogway’s “I dont know” gif as my honest answer and believes me. That doesn’t say alot however you think thats TMI
To the following events, I can see Hazard did to explain his thoughts to Kabazame, it’s clear and town indicative, that Hippo only seem to townread me and nothing else formed.
Yeah, it does sound strange that Zenon seem want to shut up hazard but I recall moving the vote on Hippo with this WiFoM and antispew, fortunately we’re smart people and figure out soon that Hippo is evil, however it doesn’t look like w/w theatre to me.

there a difference of saying “If you are confident please give me your scum reads who do you think you would vote today” and “Vote some one if your so confident”

kiiruma and baker voted me beginning of game, hippo voted me further along, then you, then kabazame. but you were pinging zenon saying “this is my wolf shot” it felt like you were trying to get her to join. with also saying things like “Zenon and hazard could be wolf team cause they didnt respond to zenons message”. it was just my observations
Hmm, sharp observation I’d say. This doesn’t feel like TMI to me to spoon feed Achro about Zenon. It’s input has been taking in consideration that may have very well led to Zenon’s sudden wagon by EoD1.

cause i am not good with pressure. especially one on one pressure.
That’s pretty present on the scene before this and during Hippo/Tutuu D3

Choo choo, let’s railroad and yeet a wolf D1 yall.
Hazard honestly hasn’t said enough for me to read him rn, Apo as a slot has a tiny bit more going for him than going against him imo, baker has been towny but could just be confident in powerwolfing after last time. I don’t really townread IfGodCouldDie or Kabazame that much so their votes/wagons are ok but I do think they’ll be easier to resolve later when we see more out of them.

Okay Hazard let’s try something else
is Kiiruma always this fluffy? He commented on five players and mostly came away neutral on everyone except a very slight town lean on Apo. and voted beancat because?

Hmm thats a fair catch i must have missed this message. I thought he was usually fluffy when he is scum. But last game he proved me wrong cause he was fluffy and town alligned.
I think when it comes too kiiruma. If he fluffs and doesnt give a solid scum or town read in the first day or two then he is either evil or has a role he really wants to keep/playwith and he fluffs to not die at night from reads/ be executed for bad reads.
I would like kiirumas reasoning on the beancat vote and i feel like him saying “hazard hasnt said enough so i wont read him” is kinda cop-outy
I don’t need to second-guess what this means. If he was wolf and Kiiruma was dead N2, that would have made Hazard suspicious around this part. But he’s already aware that Kiiruma is softing around investigative claim. Should he be wolf then I applaud for keeping his tracks covered. But it is now shown right now I am leaning him town from this post as well.
We’re at post #64 (or 63 idk), can you believe that @Tutuu?
it’s not a full case, but you know…

i mean Hippo read you town. and when someone said that interaction was suspicious you jumped to defend him saying it was NAI. even tho it really didnt effect you. in my head you would only have done that if you town read him back. yeah?

mindmeld together on that interaction between me and hippo, I’d say thats true.
Its not much to you, we kinda know how to vibe

Ok i’ll keep that of note

Oh. Guess this is gonna be a quick game then
This is his reply to Baker’s claim

Interesting. My first thought is that probably isn’t a scum role
Do we get the first flip after 24 hours or do both flips happen at EoD?

I dont see a scum role give town extra opportunity to kill scum
While that is true, this is not necessary a good post. I see that’s keeping from Baker killed until usefulness is gone. The problem I can see from this thought I am having, is that Baker is also on Zenon’s wagon and especially after IGCD and Apo died, safe kill on Baker and Hazard is pretty much finding Hippo suspicious even before Day 1 is over.

Dont quite understand Hazards reasons for voting me yet

basically a mix of you voting with the tide and not explaining and your reasoning for voting me could be a joke but was just weird.

It wasnt a joke, literal nothing was happening in thread and you were the most recent active person around when I scrolled up so I voted you
But then when you asked why I couldn’t be arsed to look through and give a reason, to make a discussion, so i instantly gave up
Which I can see looks weird actually as it made the entire exercise pointless

pretty much why i scum read you

then I voted you

i was on two votes when you voted me and IceT i just check and i am proven wrong so fuck. what was your reasoning on iceT?

Nah icet been sus ill iso them in a bit
I am confused why Hippo said that, not to mention…fold like this and say IceT is suspicious

Zenon feels towny

Zenon definitely feeling town yeye

Zenon wagon let’s go

Was calling Zenon “Definitely towny” and the proceeds to vote them. (suspect)
I don’t blame Hazard on that one, it is indeed strange for someone to townread somebody and still end up voting which has incontinency problem. i would agree myself on that as well.
But moral of the story: Don’t make weird antispew posts as town, kids. Don’t do it.
(I continue this later)

gut is telling me kiiruma is town. would like to see more info come from this slot or have a slot that wolves are forced to attack into eventually.
- if he is town he will be giving us really really good information most days
- if he is scum he is gonna slip up eventually the problem with an oracle is that usually the info has to be different each day, scum kiiruma would slip up.
These quotes…have changed the tone? No mention of Hippo

I should probbaly iso God bexause i cant rememeber a single thing theuve done

As stated they havent done anything necessarily townie… but nothing necessarily scummy either which us why i am scared to vote there
What happened to Hazard?
Its mostly not good responses to these quotes

What was your reasoning to keep your vote on him? did you not have any better vote to place?

Last words of a dying man

Ight frost and Hippo have allied themselves. if one flips scum look into the other.
And among others, but I judge those responses in my opinion as not good
Skill issue on reading, but I’d say no. This strange change of atmosphere is putting a dent on town read case credibility for Hazard.

He was my scumread. I wanted to kill him. He had 72 hours to play and he only started playing towards the end

so you didnt want to switch on them cause of you wanting to stick to your guns even tho you admitted towards the “end” he could be town. like it wasnt even close to the end i believe you guys still had 6-4 hours at that point.

I dont like cfds and it would have been a cfd at that point
My other options werent easy
Do i kill the lowest poster who was afk due to tripping on lsd
Or do i kill the top poster apo
Or do i kill the second top poster whos also obv town baker
Or do i disregard achros legacy to not kill hippo
And i know one is mafia if kiiruma is town
So why wouldnt i kill igcd there

Cause you gave a light town read towards the end.
Idk this post you just posted is honestly what i can see a town player think being anxious about a vote so imma return to my town read on you.
But i may re read you end of half day reaction to this again still. What are your thoughts on the next vote?
Its not well explained, but I give the benefit of doubt that Hazard reported sick since five days ago

Does zenon treat me like this if we were W/W by instantly throwing me into a spotlight in front of achro

arguing zenon would play better if u were w/w

Again the basis of your vote is “zenon is bad lol”. My basis is zenon is smart enough to not do that.

“zenon is evil, she was wolfing, disregard her bullshit”

??? I would accept this if you can create the world she was preparing to die the first day. And you sound like you just mushed 3 players together and said “yep sounds about right” your reads this game a weak my man.

Cause in the world “she was wolfing and didnt mean anything” it would mean she didnt have to plan players to defend or votes in the future to protect herself.
Here she is clearly setting me up for suspicon and then whips it around and calls me town.
Lets say, Hazard is aware that Zenon is antispewing to confuse town by both spewing both ways for Hazard.
Not agreeing that Zenon could play better as wolf, as much the play is embarrasing (love you too), the recent Wolf play says otherwise. So I’d say Tutuu’s point is very valid because Zenon certainly played excellent wolf game on Jutting Watchtower.
Moving on. It’s starting to stack up bad points for Hazard as well.

I think there is a wolf between tutuu and Apo. either way they are not W/W.
Whaaaat? No you can’t be serious.

this has been a fucking rollercoaster of a fucking discussion may i say
You kidding, it is quite a hill drop.

I know i was looking into hippo worlds day 1. But i liked hippo’s thoughts on apo and tutuu

ok i am off to bed. remember everyone
Thankyou. it should also appear in the eod voting chart if i am not misreading my character
VOTE: Apocryphal
Night nerds <3 always good to play with you guys!
Thats it?

actually kiiruma its been long enough @Kiiruma give me a read list. usually you post one often but you gave us one day 1 and never continued. i wanna know where your at.
Same with @Hippopablompoyeetus and @tutuu
Okay its going up but need steep hill without falling back down, excuse my terminology however I can see its getting better after D2
This makes sense on context. Because since Apo died, he once mentioned that wolf is between Apo and Tutuu because Hippo said so, but also worried that Kii might be scum after all.

a la Godfather

would there really be a godfather for only tutuu

sick hazard has no fear cause sick hazard too sick to care
This better not be excuse for distancing, i swear on your fucking Australian lizard overlords

trust me. i have been here for like 6 months.
so you and i are on similar boats.
but like i havent seen a godfather yet
Okay fine, it doesn’t change but fine. Moving on.

Hippo and you. If not you then beancat

Going from apo and me to hippo and me?
i feel like you have tunneled a bit to hard on me from a single post. which is honestly fair. thats basically the point of the game. i can split the wagon votes tutuu to rule me out if ya want
Hazard getting defensively about Hippo, but doesn’t think Bean is partnered with Hippo on this post?

my gut wanna say Tutuu and frost are the last two scums. but my gut also has been wrong so many times before so i am not sure
You are wrong about that yeah, especially Hippo and Kiiruma dead, hippo flipped red and so on.
Well…I think I conclude this case.
You can tell I am now in hazard’s shoes on what to choose now.
Hazard brings more town points than Bean, but close or worse in wolfiness as Bean.
Well, my job here is done, for now.
Morning. My two votes activated today cause of course they did
I honestly dont mind frosts break down on me. Missed there one on beancat so i’ll re read that one
I… dont have a recent team scum game. I have a recent sk and lone wolf game if you want either of those two