True Majority FM - GAME OVER - Town Victory!

English please

I believe I am not going to make you comprehend of what I said, since you can read my message very clearly:

Either mafia kills you tonight to prove you’re town, or you get executed tomorrow and I expect you to flip red.


Because between you and Baker, that’s lot of power that mafia can misuse to their advantage

I’d say the wim is real

But it’s more like I just don’t shut up when dealing with communication through text

(I do shut up sometimes, but I try not to with mafia)


i townread frost pretty high due to his daytalk (or social reasons like how u guys call it. but thats so weird wtf. im not used to it. everything im not used to is weird. and everything im used to is normal. its daytalk not social reasons)

Dont what me, you know exactly what I am talking about don’t you.

You have ability to make hammer with one vote less required on the wagons

Baker can make the following day with two executions

IGCD have formely the ability to freeze the votes

Hazard can do double votes

You see the problem?

You’re going to tell me that all of them are town-aligned?

ok thx this is what I needed

the problem is that zone only asked themself if they can and didn’t ask themself if they should

I believe then you’re a fool to believe that


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yessir and if not I don’t know why me / Baker are being night killed

if you believe not all of them are town that’s Hazard flipping red and I believe Hazard is town

I was hoping to be nk’d for being loud

But then I committed the grievous sin of being wrong, and so I am dying at EoD instead

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ok Frost I am super confused at what you’re trying to get at are you telling me I’m a wolf