True Majority FM - GAME OVER - Town Victory!

and thanks for the game, zone and leafia :blush:

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tutuu carry


ill take the credit for trying my best to keep the thread in the right direction (minus the little accident with kiiruma) and for winning the 1v1 versus hippo despite achro’s vote on me

but in terms of reads a lot of townies did amazing. kiiruma for example solved hippo + beancat before me, and played amazing in terms of fakeclaiming. everyone else’s fakeclaim was suspicious and confusing to me but kiiruma’s fakeclaim was rocksolid to me. most other townies also had really good reads as well and made great votes

Waiting for permission to open up Mafia Chat from Mafia members.

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tutuu and friends carry :blush:

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I got 1/3 correct so i’ll take that to the bank XD gg.

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Things that should have changed:

  • Should have buffed Judge’s requirement from 2 wagons to 3 wagons.
  • Should have gated Pinpoint Sensor with 1-Shot.
  • Probably should have replaced Spiteful Scapegoat with something else entirely, or buffed it with another role e.g. Doublevoter to increase the probability to create ties.
  • Could have given Restless Spirit a day ability to speak with a living player each night.

Mod-error Log:

  • Gave tutuu feedback about Hazard on N3 instead of Frost.

i feel a bit bad for mafia because the sensor role is still a crime despite it being nerfed by the player having to guess how many mafia

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Oh shit

Alright… Now it’s time for the rant section (from players).
In particular about Restless Spirit from Archo.
Boy, wouldn’t this be interesting if/when he becomes my reviewer for Restless Spirit FM!

the sensor was really strong yeah but im surprised that you want to buff hippo’s role

we didn’t see it in action, but i thought its really really strong too

10v3 with mafia having any kp is pretty volatile, no? in conjunction with double chop

game could have ended d2 in scum win

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actually no it cant, i think i miscalculated. it goes 4v3 wcs on d3

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no it can end on day 2. technically n2

mischop + double kill into double mischop into double kill. 3v3 starting d3

Theoretically? Yes.
Realistically? Debatable.

Mafia could have won earlier if multiple factors were active, e.g. if people actively make ties and few wagons, but -as evident from this game- that simply doesn’t happen… “usually”.

(Plus, what is the point of a having a gun you can’t use?)

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No one matched my post count even though I died d2 lmao

Also, love that I had a game winning PoE of Hippo first for the Zenon wagon + hazard into icet/beancat

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Town WCS

N0 - 10v3
D1 Miss - 9v3
Activate Rabble Rouser + Plurality Enabler
N1 Kill + Judge - 7v3
Mid-D2 Tie - 6v3
D2 Miss - 5v3
N2 Kill + Judge - 3v3
Parity → Mafia Victory

Like, this could have happened this game as well… but it didn’t.

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Told you the Ayn tell was wrong this time