True Majority FM - GAME OVER - Town Victory!

Im slightly townleaning godcoulddie for … how do i explain it. i dont know. for putting emphasis on their role as an opener, roles that confirm others are generally town, and that baker vote felt like a “let me stir the pot” kind of vote, sort of. Struggling here coz not too experienced with english phrases to express myself cleanly. I think i managed to express only 70% of what i meant to say in my head

Current vote count from everyone’s favorite Leafeon.

Hazardwaste (2): Kiiruma, baker
Kiiruma (1): Zenon
baker (1): IfGodCouldDie

Not Voting (9): Hippopablompoyeetus, Frostwolf103, Apocryphal, Hazardwaste, Achromatic, Kabazame, IcetFeelsPain, tutuu, beancat

Also i think this is my 42nd town rand in a row it definitely helped cure my gamblers fallacy which i think sadly used to influence my reads on other people


Although in my defense a lot of people used gamblers fallacy a good bit of years ago back in mafiascum theyd go like “hey guys can someone check X’s past games and see how likely they are to roll town this game?” and i wouldn’t question them i believed them that they know what theyre doing. Silly me

I’m not particularly scared of majority since 9 times out of ten even with true majority we’re going to delay hammering until the last goddamn second because mafia player moment

Those players sound cringe

Just eliminate weak players early, ignore mediocre players until late game, and halfway rule good players

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Has Hazard even made a post yet?

You said you wanted a spicy wagon, what’s spicier than your own?

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The spiciest wagon is voting for yourself if you’re mafia, no one would expect it

Discourse is a funny software because I can correct grammar mistakes

I don’t always do so because I’m used to just doing the asterisk method of correction

Achro :muscle: Me

Being more active to do things on Monday than on the weekends


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You’re almost two hours late on that, my dude

Doin the barbenheimer gauntlet see yall in a couple hours

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Are you someone who considers dude to be gendered?

Barbenheimer gauntlet hype

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It would be very funny to do the barbenheimer gauntlet

But it would be funnier to do it with others than by myself

I am normally calmer, but it is insanely surprising to see so little posts within the hour of start of day to me

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