True Majority FM - GAME OVER - Town Victory!

If u put kp in a 10v3 ur a maniac imo thats mega volatile

If theres any kp its u

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Skill issue indeed

I wouldn’t hesitate if I had one

i kept missing my hero shots on anni mash and i am still sad about it

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F moment

Be like me, only miss one shot

Three of them were on town, but that doesn’t matter

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Of the successful shots

people said you are the town drug dealer and shouldn’t be executed


gonna sneak out and grab some pizza slices

i will be back


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on the account of me not knowing wtf this is i disagree

alcohol dealer maybe

on a serious note if this is real and not a reaction test those said individuals need to go die

yo btw we should look at other options. I still want to believe zenon might be having a bad day and remember i was the most vocal about them earlier and i think she is certainly different than what i know about town zenon, she is most likely making an appearance soon and i don’t want us to cfd on a miserable town

discussion shouldn’t die for alternatives

Im struggling to find any teams of 3 and im definitely wrong on a townread or two somewhere. Oh well

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@Achromatic @tutuu @Apocryphal
tagging the wagon

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what’s the case on zenon?

oh nvm they only have a 100 posts this game let me go read em real quick

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I am mostly at the point of just sheeping Achro

No one has really stood out to me otherwise

(Except Hippo, I still don’t like his posts, but Achro says town, so)

Im exactly the same i also dont like hippo

Zenon catchup


wow first post i have anything to say about halfway down the list

Same thing with Achro here, like why tf is this tmi

Same thing here

uuuuh okay

the rest of the readlist i can see where they’re coming from so i think it’s fine, just what is that shift on hazard

ftr i slank as all and any alignments unless im particularly bored at work

lots of eyebrow raises yeah i can kinda see why yall want this slot dead

I’d like to suggest hippo tho cause i saw smth in the middle ill quote soon that i find is quite horrendous

To be fair to zenon she was drunk when she posted the anime girl gif sniffing and accusing hazard of tmi

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