True Majority FM - GAME OVER - Town Victory!

(It’s probably a town role, but like, I can see mafia earnestly claiming it as a gambit of being honest to keep themselves alive)

While Zenon has a role that’s helpful to town, Tutuu mentions it

Honestly I’m risking being anticlaimed but idc.
I’m a Town Mech Oracle (At last! I’m so happy)
Last night I was allowed to choose from the categories of: Wagonomics, Composition, Character Types

I chose Wagonomics and learned there was exactly 1 wolf who voted on the wagon of Zenon.
I did clarify and character types would’ve split people into categories like “protective, investigative, offensive” etc.

I think Composition would’ve told me if it was 3 or 4 wolves. But I think we’re relatively comfortable about it being 3.

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It’s a feels bad because it could have made an accidental hammer easier


So we are dealing with a busser

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Yep there’s 1 busser and 1 (or 2) non-bussers.

VOTE: IfGodCouldDie

You have committed the crime of being in a scummy position on a wagon

I’m satisfied with that vote, I found the slot to be non-towny when I was reading them.

I think it’s funny that basically every role deals with either manipulating votes or gaining information about votes

Which should have been expected from a game called true majority

And yeah, I think three is the likely number of wolves

I mean honestly I’m not sure if I’ll get the same categories again.
If I do, I’ll probably choose the same option.
If it’s different, then I’m not really sure what sort of thing I’m on the look out for.

Four with this much emphasis on votes is


Very feels bad

Its a start at least

Wagonomics is almost certainly the better option regardless tbh

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Composition is probably the next best option

I don’t think character types will be that useful, but we’d have to see what it means

Town Mech Oracle: Every night (N1+ Not N0), I receive 3 categories to choose from. I receive feedback dependent on something to do with that category.

I don’t know if these 3 are from a pool of categories or if these are outright my 3 choices and I just didn’t know until last night.