tutuu asked me to (botf op)

I … didnt know u host games :fearful: … i mean I DEFINITELY KNOW U WELL my dear friend, hahahaha! We are thick us thieves, the two of us. We’ve been through a lot … I know everything, don’t worry! Hehehehe!

freely accessible

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i heard you presigned the next botf

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society when someone other than me does a full rewrite of the botf op


I feel like throwing in trouble brewing as an example for this would fit

that being said

i dont think this is actively comprehensive enough

my current plan is to do this for the game specific information and keep the rest comprehensive blocks of text, or to include both this summary and the comprehensive text blocks
because youre right
the thing with zone’s is that most people on this site know how to play mafia which isnt true of base botc necessarily

zone can realistically cut a lot out because he’s not teaching players how to play mafia with his op

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This was my idea, yeah.
I understand the appeal of summaries, but certain ideas can’t really be expressed in anything shorter than a paragraph.

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