Two Rooms and a Boom - Game Over, Draw

that will be the sound you make upon blowing up



the eithteenth slot had already been filled by brakuren

oh ignore me

I should not be awake

omg is that THE spookycat27???

all the roles will be in game now yeah? lol someone is stuck with Mastermind


I will rand mastermind and win

i think there’s one gray that won’t be but yeah

I hope it’s me

given the fact we have an odd number of players the rooms will be uneven
each team will still have an equal amount of players there’ll just be an extra gray
probably going for

  • Gambler
  • MI6
  • Mastermind / Nuclear Tyrant (not sure which)

it’ll prooobably be mastermind but i havent ENTIRELY decided
Nuclear Tyrant can also lead to an early game over for the Tyrant who still remains in play so

every red/blue card is in the game. the following grays are in:

  • Gambler
  • MI6
  • Mastermind

game is randing
the first round will offiically start at 2024-07-05T16:00:00Z so that i can end it at 2024-07-07T04:00:00Z. i might be a little late given role PMs and all that though



and a reminder that if you ping me for card reveals of any kind, you can’t lie. it is assumed to be the truth until i confirm yes/no (it’ll probably be yes). otherwise you are free to say anything

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Round 1 Flavor

This is Central News Agency bringing you breaking news live from the Pentagon!
As you may know, the ambassador to the Soviet Union, Daeron, recently visited the President in the Pentagon for a meeting with tutuu, our ambassador to the Soviets, and top military leaders. The meeting presumed to be a success, Daeron was seen leaving the Pentagon.
But, more than 24 hours later, Daeron emerged from the Pentagon with a list of demands that needed to be met, or the Presidents life was forfeit! It is clear that the Red’s influence goes deeper than we previously thought, or the supposed Daeron could not have left the Pentagon at all. tutuu has been seen running between the Strategic Command Center and what is assumed to be an underground bunker.
We will bring you more as the story unfolds!

thanks besjbo for the flavor idea. not stolen at all.



@tutuu is the Blue Ambassador

@Daeron is the Red Ambassador


“Secure” Underground Bunker [1]


Strategic Command Center [2]



The round will end at 2024-07-07T04:00:00Z. Leaders, have your hostages selected before then.

Once you have agreed to a card or color share by both players involved pinging me, they MUST share.


turning off push notifications
i might take a bit to respond but don’t let that stop you from color sharing n shit

The round will end soon! Please go fast if you want to meet more!

All active meetings will close at 2024-07-07T04:00:00Z and Hostages will exchange at that time.

The next round will begin at a time as soon as I can figure out how the hell to schedule a 30 hour round

update I figured it out

The next round will begin at 2024-07-07T18:00:00Z and end at 2024-07-09T00:00:00Z.

Round 1 flavor is up! Yippee!!