Two Rooms and a Boom - Game Over, Draw

that means if someone asks “hey wanna card share” you cant say no

What i said is if someone goes “hey wanna card share” and you say “yes” you CANNOT back out at that point

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i knew the latter one i thought u were talkin about the foolish condition


characters i most want to be:
5. capitalist
4. red shy guy
3. mi-6
2. red agent

  1. blue spy

characters i least want to be:
5. blue ambassador
4. bomber
3. president
2. either coy boy

  1. mastermind

could two people card share infront of the amb

no it has to be one on one

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in theory they could reveal both of their cards in front of the ambassador but ngl i would probably just count that under “bypassing card share abilities”

isnt showing your card to everyone in a room with 1 or more ambassadors in there a bypass

well no that’s showing your card to EVERYONE which is Not Advisable

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also the ambassadors are always in every room so

Guys I’m Mastermind


idk if being able to bypass card share abilities is intentional in the game but it makes characters like Cult Leader stupid so

Publically revealing your Mastermind card, not cardsharing with anyone and still winning would be the biggest of all flexes.


Think you flipped “least” and “most” there, buddy.

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Sounds interesting. /in

@atlas @youbutworse given the fact that i accidentally put in too many characters which ones should i remove to get to 16 (not including greys)
im thinking the shy guys given the fact that they seem really unfun to play, but they are also allegedly a centerpiece of the setup, so idk

as it happens the game where i got the setup one has 18 players, not 16

alternative option is to increase the number of players but idk