Two Rooms and a Boom - Game Over, Draw

though in the future please dm it to me :pleading_face:


the master role document goes crazy



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Run this to end the game round 1



Dont like negotiation games

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womp womp…

I would assume if players know this role can spawn they won’t do the thing which could immediately lose them the game.

Which would suck for Illuminati because that’s their wincon.


i mean yeah but card sharing is core to the game so

oh oke

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Can I opt out from being on the same team as Marshal?

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This role is really funny

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I’m so happy this is filling like crazy





Damn Achro said they’re fully booked


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uh ftr here’s some logistics information

  • game will take place entirely in pms, such that each room cannot see each other. there will be new threads for each room each round.
  • if you really want a room thread can be publicized at the end of the game but i don’t want to overflow the forum with rooms as soon as the game ends so.
  • specs will be added to only the main rooms each round. if they request they can look into a specific pms but cannot speak at all and i will need permission from the involved players.
  • please give permission for specs to be in your whispers BEFORE the game. they can join your whispers as long as everyone in the whisper agrees but they still need to request it. (i can axe this entirely if people are uncomfortable)
  • hallway: in between rounds the leaders will need to schedule (informally) a time at which they are both online. if they can’t within a reasonable timeframe i will give them a bit to freely discuss, but i will postcap them. if they are both online at one given time then i will give them a 30m-ish timer to speak and then i will close the thread.
  • if i am offline during the period when they are both offline they are free to do it. just keep it to about 30 minutes.
  • if you have alternates to any of these logistical issues please tell me. especially the hallway bit, it’s kinda scuffed

alternatively i can publicize them over the course of a few days but that seems tedious and requires mods so