UFO Sighting Main Thread - Game Over (Aliens Win.)

@Leafia you said you were a bodyguard
what does a bodyguard do again?


Well I can vaguely say I can kill someone tonight

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incorrect I fully softed my role

I was gonna ask that

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At least if I understand my role correctly that is something I am capable of doing

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Why would a bodyguard exist if aliens have a factional poison?


there are vigilante claims

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I know thereā€™s some nightkill economy from my role

be really funny if aliens donā€™t do nightkill and itā€™s only town who does them

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the true monster is man

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Iā€™m debating just saying what I am and seeing what people think I should do

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This post is very funny if you read it slowly.


I can actually confirm with my role card that aliens have a factional kill, so the poison is most likely from an alien unless they have a normal kill that was blocked somehow

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Leafia furiously trying to figure out what a bodyguard does

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actually this is a lie I hard claimed on d1

achro is just a motion detector probably
which is even funnier


Iā€™ve never been happier

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Oh, no I didnā€™t bullshit.

Watcher, no visits last night ;o


either way thereā€™s no difference since if neon doesnā€™t visit you shouldnā€™t see motion but yeh

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anyway given how great the roles are letā€™s have crich claim next today