UFO Sighting Main Thread - Game Over (Aliens Win.)

nah because I am an auto die role on town side

3/14 but lots of kp to go wrong tbh


A neutral couldā€™ve done it or Achro could be doing this as an rt. Or one of the other two possibilities couldā€™ve happened.

Itā€™s only a guess because it would be really ??? if only town got it.

Who said anything about me dying if I successfully protect someone? I donā€™t die from sucessfully protecting someone.

Sorry, but Iā€™m not a wolf. I have fsith that youā€™ll see that soon enough though.

Best play is to consider worlds where Iā€™m a villager and worlds where Iā€™m a wolf.

Please stop not considering worlds where Iā€™m a villager.

Town bodyguard just like I said.

Everything considered, Iā€™m fine with being the execution today since thatā€™s probably what itā€™ll take for people to realize that Iā€™m a villager at this point.

I also agree with Neon that Jarek is probably a wolf for how quick he was to start pushing me with Neon. So execute him tomorrow once you see that Iā€™m a villager.

Iā€™m a hardbusser actually.

Protects people. Although I donā€™t die even if I successfully protect someone. The caveat is that if I do successfully protect someone, I lose my ability although Iā€™m not told that I lost it even if I do lose it from successfully protecting someone.

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Who wants to get murdered

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Also a lot of claimed roles suck and mafia still has fake claims

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leafia thatā€™s a doctor


Regardless of allignment youā€™re probably right.


Kill the ā€œbodyguardā€

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okay Iā€™ve never seen wolf leafia act like this


Iā€™m a back alley surgeon except I give you surgery even when you donā€™t need it and thus kill you during the operation BUT if you have an injury I can fix it with my surgery skills and youā€™ll survive the procedure


Thatā€™s not flavour, thatā€™s your claimed role title.

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I think I heard gyr saying they wanted to

And Iā€™m the one who claimed something ā€œimpossibleā€

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I was thinking the same thing. That or Crich/Rad maybe?



Someone not on Porscha

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Oh can I cure poison?


ask host in rolecard pl and then donā€™t answer here

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Medic can remove a manā€™s skeleton WITHOUT killing him.


if we have a poison curer they should be as quiet as possible

only member of town allowed to fakeclaim actually