UFO Sighting Main Thread - Game Over (Aliens Win.)

But do you mind if Gyr is a wolf?

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Just assuming killing a woof is net beneficial to town is a limited view of the game. And one that leads to town losses more than town wins.

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Day 1 I disagree, actually. Itā€™s often crippling to the extreme especially in role madness games for scum to lose a buddy early. Information for social reasons is much more critical in mountainous imo.

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I think it applies equally in both.

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Hey HOLā€™ UP, WTF are these 3 votes on me? If you want to do it correctly then make me L-1 during my sleep so I really get surprised when I wake up.

What is this amateur shit?

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I was thinking stuff over in my head and I figured Iā€™d read back to confirm my suspicions. They werenā€™t, in fact, proven, but I figured Iā€™d share what I was thinking anyway.

Back in Morbtainado, I kept getting the vibe that Achro was a trickster archetype player, being willing to joke around about being evil and whatnot once victory seemed assured, as if he didnā€™t need to take the game seriously. Of course, in that game he still posted fancy analysis reads which ultimately bought the trust of everyone left alive, and anyone dissenting was conveniently killed off, but that was a case of knowing who was good and who was bad, and simply needing to sound convincing enough to be left alone; nay, to direct the executions, because he wanted control.

In Kaguya-sama, as Town, Achro seemingly tried to play a similar way, but players like Marl tried to shut him down, and that seemed to frustrat Achro near the end of D1. I never caught up on that other wolf game Achro had, but given that post I canā€™t find Achro posted before about being a Dominating Witch, everyone being unworthy to speak his name, I could see him playing the troll.

Drawing back to that, right now Achro seems to be in charge of the show, and with his personality and self-resolving claim nobodyā€™s really theorising, theyā€™re just going ā€œoh cool, Achroā€™s basically townclearedā€ or ā€œI scumread Achro because he played this way once in a game and now Iā€™ll never trust him againā€. Iā€™m just here to throw a few unsupported guesses about what could be happening if Achro isnā€™t what he says he is, without considering the validity of such an idea.

Claiming a self-resolving role and being unable to self-resolve is pointless, Iā€™m willing to believe (come day four), Achroā€™s role will be confirmed. I just donā€™t think itā€™s impossible for said role to be something other than Delayed Innocent Child.

First of all, since we all know the Singer is in the game, and that Singer is inherently a good role (or at least not evil), we already have the equivalent of an Innocent Child in play.

During the day, Achro went on a power streak, just assembling a readlist as quickly as possible since nobody else is close to being as proactive. He did seem rather eager to brand certain players with certain reads, although he did reconsider that Leafia read once I brought up new info. Of course, thereā€™s no way Achro wouldnā€™t pretend to reanalyse as evil anyway, letā€™s be honest, but itā€™s still a nice detail.

This isnā€™t meant to be an analysis post, but these were Achroā€™s reads, which look good at a glance.

Anyway, Iā€™m just going to say that while Achroā€™s behaviour is in line for an evil, his content doesnā€™t match up, what with claiming a self-resolving role, but I could certainly see Achro rolling something like arsonist, and heā€™ll ignite N4 to confirm himself, just to be funny. So yeah, thereā€™s that idea.

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Ok Iā€™ll start reading now. Around 700 posts D:

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If Archo comes out with something like a modpost ability and claim heā€™s proven because of that Iā€™m going to vote him out of spite


Here is why I hate the claim. Achro is confident enough I believe, to believe he can get to D4 with minimal possibly know woof casualities. (If heā€™s woofers).

Day 4 is -6 players without a woof kill. With 14 players that puts us at 8 total players. With 3? woofers that puts us 5 v 3 that day assuming the worst and assuming a town KPR doesnā€™t also just kill town. This is of course the absolute worst case.

I suppose I should ask Achro does your role resolve the immediate morning of Day 4?

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I believe in you. Prove me right.

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Iā€™m not. I just hope thereā€™s some time for us to talk to each other later. Doesnā€™t seem like we can interact much right now.

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When is EoD?

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Yeah we arenā€™t lynching Litten today sorry.

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Is it going to be 100% obvious your town or is there room for interpretation?

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100% obvious

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