Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

katze didn’t even acknowledge my LOTR meme


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ive been processing the placement of the flirty joycat

(when will sites have bots that track vote by vote updates on vc without having to click post history)

gimme a bit

Pretty much, this game has so many posts, so I dont super have reasons at times, because things blur together. Honestly this is way past the levels of activity im used to. I could make up some reasons to look good, but thats pointless.

simping for zack over me. wow

katze/zack team

obv w/v interaction

no worries, I’ve been trying to avoid admitting how many posts I’ve missed tbh

obv w/w interaction



discourse is only good for mashes and turbos and not forum mafia style games imo

wagons were basically the same as this when he left for the day


this is the kind of post (“slots like mine and zacks this game”) you make about someone you are w/v with, not w/w

idk what happened to the quotes but this was one of visor’s last posts on d1

[quote=“Outedwolf, post:3825, topic:2953, full:true”]couple things that struck me - think spf not wolfreading me is interesting - i know she has struggled reading me in the past (as she alluded to earlier (and i don’t really mean the recent game, that was fuckin around on all cylinders)) and i generally don’t expect her to village read me in games because i dont think my playstyle is one that fits easily into the way she sees the game. her progression from refusing to put a read on me and then going seems okay seems reasonable enough from my pov - i always keep an eye out for ppl like her and how they approach slots like mine (and zacks this game) where they’re not wolfread but not super townread either - they’re the slots that can dangle above the poe but drop into them at a moments notice and wolves often love to test the waters there to see where the thread is going on them

this is the kind of post (“slots like mine and zacks this game”) you make about someone you are w/v with, not w/w

search your feelings katze-senpai

you know my alignment in your heart :joy_cat:

this is out of my wolf range

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i mean tbh i could probably convincingly towncase anyone alive rn, even jack

nya. you both have p good points in ur favor

i hate mafia

stfu and townread me :angry:

towncase jack


give me a few

see im out of my wolf range