Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

How about eliza

Did Achro reply to my post
I don’t think he did

Here @Heisenberg

i’ll probably do this closer to eod but rn i want to catchup on the posts i missed before i pass out and have less shit to do tomorrow

Wait is rue posting as a gimmick because I can’t tell if it’s a gimmick

goofy read: saul is too coherent and presenting a clear worldview to be a villager

every post has a PURPOSE, instead of spouting random crap or odd posts like a true member of the town


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If you flake on this I’ll consider you wolf who is going to piggyback on the totally deep well to push agenda

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I think your slot is plausibly v
I just get the distinct impression that you’re forward thinking too much to be v at times

you should have seen me a year ago

i don’t actually hate this read

truthfully i just want to keep garbage in the thread to a minimum and i could go full on stream of consciousness posting if i felt like it to obvtown myself but i don’t really want to do that for my own sanity

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Am I doing garbage in the thread?

I will shut up. I’m sorry.

that’s cringe i just don’t go full stream of consciousness so I can cyberbully people in thread

ya v understandable

something about you has just made me vaguely uneasy despite not having any specific issue or bad posts and that was my attempt to vocalize it. my mind tends to wander toward somewhat irrational paranoia of competent players i townread in games, usually i try to mostly keep it in check on what actually makes it into the thread but game is stagnant enough i figured lobbing a grenade wasn’t the worst idea

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i do find this post from gyr mildly towny just bcuz i think it’s bold for a wolf to WIFOM about how powerful their role is like this, but i’m gullible and tend to fall for this style of posting pretty easily

beyond that, it’s hard for me to feel strongly about the rest of gyr’s posts because he has primarily been posting “gutreads”, and the lack of specificity in his reads makes it difficult to tell if he’s actually trying to scumhunt or if h’s pulling his reads from a hat.

if i had to stretch then i think this defense of zorvo is a little awkward (ie: “his death wouldn’t give me much information”) when it’s hard to see how zorvo dying wouldn’t give information regardless of his alignment

idk though, i probably would not kill him today for ~reasons~

Vote Count

Heisenberg (5): eliza, spf, nightingale, Jackrito, Gyrlander
Zorvo (5): GaulSoodman, SaulGoodman, Achromatic, Memes, Hally
Memes (2): Sadbi, Phraze
katze (2): min, sufdaddy
Prophylaxis (2): katze, HowardHamlin
BradLand (1): Rue
GaulSoodman (1): Heisenberg
min (1): Outedwolf
Hally (1): Zorvo

Not Voting (5): eevee, Gorta, guavagudetama, Prophylaxis, BradLand

also im not going to bother ISOing you right now but the fact that your posts have gotten significantly townier in the last couple of hours and that you are pushing and prodding unpopular places (Ie: me/hally) while still trying to work with us means that i am also not interested in killing you today

eh you’re not wrong
earlier i was thinking about how eliza’s claim and the thread treatment of your slot could mean things in the future if the poe turns up bad yet i haven’t really expanded on this itt which is why you might feel this way.
i’m also thinking about the future for role related reasons which i will not elaborate on

Since asked my view on Saul Goodman’s slot is. I find their opening pretty solid, I don’t think a wolf would do a early push on Katze like he did. I also like the order of events he notices a issue tries to see if anyone else does, then explains the issue and goes in depth why using meta and then ask them to justify its a fair push but well backed.

Follows that up by a slight push on Brad which is again fair and balanced, I also their their reaction to the Eliza claim was pretty town like and solid. Their push on Heisenburg is fair, and uses past meta well and explains reasons well, I can follow a lot of his thought patterns and I don’t see any pushs in bad faith, and trying to make someone look bad on purpose. Its mostly just deep thoughts, backed up by evidence but asking for others views because know they can be wrong.

I could go into this even more depth, but I think he’s town and one of my more top town. Their way of playing imo is the way town should wanting discussion, and been fair on their pushs. I also like how he is not keeping it to a few people, and gave thoughts on a lot of people which was not needed, but shows deeper thoughts of game which are harder to fake.

Fine then just work with me. Where do we start?