Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

He has a double self pres vote

you don’t need to feel bad for me but i would appreciate if you didn’t partake in the flaming of me tomorrow after i am inevitably blamed for “being that bad as town”

am i allowed to flame you

Fool he hasn’t changed his votes and he said he refuses to.

Okay am at work but have a few is there any last second things I can anwser

@KimWexler If you vote Ruby with your 2 accounts I’ll vote Ruby. I promise. I don’t want you to die and as far as I’m aware Bodyguard is an awful convenient and common claim.

what do u think are the odds of arctic flipping mafia

Vote Count

KimWexler (10): Outedwolf, sufdaddy, Sadbi, katze, Achromatic, guavagudetama, Memes, Ruby, BradLand, Gorta
Ruby (8): GaulSoodman, nightingale, Jackrito, spf, Zorvo, Rue, Phraze, min
katze (3): HowardHamlin, KimWexler, Gyrlander
min (1): eevee


Higher then rand more so with alot of them/kat not v/v makes me hard lean them from that

Why are you trying to hard set a target for me?

My wolf chat broke and I need to do it during day chat

VOTE: KimWexler

arctic refuses to self pres against somebody who either is a villager strongly townreading me and a historically strong read on me or a wolf TMIing me V

this is cope and i am baiting them into making this EoD spicy


nvm then


VOTE: Memes


[don’t want an early hammer]

Btw, that was a mistake Rue.

average arctic towngame

[what’s with this vote]