Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

What circumstances

ur god damn right.walterwhite.gif

I really knew seth should’ve been my predict


wtf r Gauls posts

Sadly not this time. Pity since its my fav role. I suck as town and always tunnel the wrong people.

do i bother trying to catch up with 600 posts at 1 am

i kinda want to because if i don’t then i’ll be greeted by another 600 in the morning and be even further behind


Would you rather me being executed or mafia night kill me instead?

I feel at this point they might actually ignore me anyway because I look wolfy so you might as well execute me

Good stuff

I don’t like to include that wolf game in my list of past games because I’m ashamed of it :/

katze and seth were both cringe from where i left off so i like where we are going good job team

Is it perhaps because your wolf with Katze?

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me trying to hogtie seth in wolfchat

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if you think wolves would nk here I have some unfortunate news

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You are the salt of the earth

Can someone tell me who’s alt is who’s

VOTE: Katze

I’m your alt.