Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

Take care of yourself.

deep breaths
taking deep breaths

Like even itā€™s a coin flip. Are you willing to take that chance?

50/50 means 50% he could be a wolf and the way he is playing is not townie.

2+2 is 4 not 3

((good start
((itā€™s still hally there, right? nothing different about them, even if you canā€™t trust them for this game

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no need to be anxious lol, itā€™s fine to not trust me atm

i donā€™t think iā€™ve really been that villagery tbh

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yeah i think sheā€™s v

Hopefully that will change when I flip town or you in for a real treat lol.

dude, that was obviously a joke post

Meh for me Nightā€™s reactions arenā€™t that good but I think you and Sadbi are toen

Is it perhaps because Night is your partner?

nothing is wrong
everything is okay
theres no darkness lingering anywhere or monsteres that will jump out at me out of it
there are people here that i can talk to

i probably need to take a break but
self-isolating isnt a good strategy

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((itā€™ll be alright
((iā€™m here

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Yo katze sufdaddy

I feel like this might have been a joke post

But also i feel like thereā€™s some truth behind every joke and I just got pinged by this

So can you tell me the rationale behind this post?



Confused why none of your wolf buddies did it?
Odd eh?

Odd that none of the wolf roles have it?

i think spf and ruemist are prob fine now btw

kinda over my earlier reservations on them

im gonna go have a bagel with cheese on it
its going to be great and taste good and all of that stuff