Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

Vote Count

Zorvo (4): Rue, Hally, katze, Memes
spf (2): sufdaddy, spf
katze (2): min, SaulGoodman
Memes (2): Sadbi, BradLand

Not Voting (15): Achromatic, Blizer, eevee, eliza, GaulSoodman, Gorta, guavagudetama, Gyrlander, Heisenberg, HowardHamlin, Jackrito, Outedwolf, Phraze, Prophylaxis, Zorvo

spf wagon is pure

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Low key actually annoying because I think like 3 people ignored my shit and the only one acknowledging me is you.

It is what it is though.


spf is now legally obligated to townread me

ur not even listening to “runner” which means that ur objectively a lockwolf, sorry!

When it’s mid August and your work has the HEATER on.

What the shit, Ohio?

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Oh. Missed this in notifications. Those are ‘do things so i may judge you’ reads


I feel like lynching every person that has claimed to be a wolf. I hate all of you and your mind games.

I’m gay wolf

My vote based tbh

Literally no service

Oh then all your sins are forgiven my child. Be free to be whatever the hell you want.

Towny distain.

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Lim me uwu

I’m also not used to games as big as this one so I’ll probably start remembering your names when half of you are dead :slight_smile:

Using my cousin’s dog to bribe ez tr

Very bold to assume you live that long.

Good point