Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

knowing the player in mafia is quite important imo
how people play can be incredibly varied and by knowing the player you can be more aware of their specific playstyle
if its public its good to know

ah well
I know little then

maybe, but still

said person is on an alt for a reason

yeah, shits and giggles

Figure I should post about this now rather than deal with the inevitable questions later, but Iā€™m changing my playstyle from this point onwards, I realised yesterday that I was already getting invested into the game and I had 100 posts not even 12 hours into D1 and I canā€™t be that player anymore. As much fun as it is to hang out and shit post, spending all that time in thread and playing is just too much. I have to have a healthier relationship to mafia, so Iā€™m cutting my playing time and posting time down a lot, because I gotta make these changes if I want to continue to play mafia.

So yeah, expect a lot less from me from now on. Please donā€™t read into this post, itā€™s purely nai. Iā€™ll be back much later today. Tag me if you want me to look at something I guess.



where visor

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Just like we drew it up :curtain:

also their join post says to meta at your own risk
not that I could but still
the option is there

I feel bad saying that cause I had a lot of fun yā€™day, but I need to make the change

Figure I should post about this now rather than deal with the inevitable questions later, but Iā€™m changing my playstyle from this point onwards, I realised yesterday that I was already getting invested into the game and I had 100 posts not even 12 hours into D1 and I canā€™t be that player anymore. As much fun as it is to hang out and shit post, spending all that time in thread and playing is just too much. I have to have a healthier relationship to mafia, so Iā€™m cutting my playing time and posting time down a lot, because I gotta make these changes if I want to continue to play mafia.

So yeah, expect a lot less from me from now on. Please donā€™t read into this post, itā€™s purely nai. Iā€™ll be back much later today. Tag me if you want me to look at something I guess.


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Figure I should post about this now rather than deal with the inevitable questions later, but Iā€™m changing my playstyle from this point onwards, I realised yesterday that I was already getting invested into the game and I had 100 posts not even 12 hours into D1 and I canā€™t be that player anymore. As much fun as it is to hang out and shit post, spending all that time in thread and playing is just too much. I have to have a healthier relationship to mafia, so Iā€™m cutting my playing time and posting time down a lot, because I gotta make these changes if I want to continue to play mafia.

So yeah, expect a lot less from me from now on. Please donā€™t read into this post, itā€™s purely nai. Iā€™ll be back much later today. Tag me if you want me to look at something I guess.


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Figuwe i shouwd post about dis now wathew than deaw with the inevitabwe qwestions watew, but iā€™m changing mwy pwaystywe fwom dis point onwawds, i weawised yestewday dat i was awweady getting invested into the game and i had 100 posts not even 12 houws into d1 and i canā€™t be dat pwayew anymowe. As mwuch fun as it is to hang out and poop post, spending aww dat time in thwead and pwaying is just too mwuch. I have to have a heawthiew wewationship to mwafia, so iā€™m cutting mwy pwaying time and posting time down a wot, because i gotta mwake these changes if i want to continue to pway mwafia.

so yeah, expect a wot wess fwom me fwom now on. Pwease donā€™t wead into dis post, itā€™s puwewy nai. Iā€™ww be back mwuch watew today. Tag me if chu want me to wook at something i guess.



VOTE: spf

honestly thatā€™s fair

spf, hewwo hello, I donā€™t believe Iā€™ve seen you here before this game
whatā€™s your experience with mafia?

Figure I should post about this now rather than deal with the inevitable questions later, but Iā€™m changing my playstyle from this point onwards, I realised yesterday that I was already getting invested into the game and I had 100 posts not even 12 hours into D1 and I canā€™t be that player anymore. As much fun as it is to hang out and shit post, spending all that time in thread and playing is just too much. I have to have a healthier relationship to mafia, so Iā€™m cutting my playing time and posting time down a lot, because I gotta make these changes if I want to continue to play mafia.

So yeah, expect a lot less from me from now on. Please donā€™t read into this post, itā€™s purely nai. Iā€™ll be back much later today. Tag me if you want me to look at something I guess.


visor that post is a copypasta right

ive never seen it but i refuse to believe it isnt

also VOTE: Prophylaxis
