Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

let me go pull uphis iso again for like the 5th time tonight


(fwiw im preeeettty sure the gorta thing isnt AI for him but im not sure if i care enough to factcheck it)

do you have a full list? this post kinda gives me the impression you have reads on basically everyone

Can you explain your light town lean on proph please?

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3rd place in confident read. Those below I have no clue how to read. Like Memes.

I am phone posting and have been for four hours but i am able to lean my head one way or another for very little reason if need be and i dont make lists while phone posting because it is annoying.

Good to keep the whole game in front of you. There are a few who havent posted when i have though. I just happened to catch gorta

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oh thats fine i dont actually care about the list specifically just a y/n question

if i asked you to follow me onto a wagon without any explanation would you follow my vote?



boring tho :stuck_out_tongue:

then again, even if you said yes i doubt youā€™d have followed me onto it:

VOTE: Hally

Correct. If you are town, which is ceding ground, you have displayed to my view lackluster judgment in how to implement good policy to have a good day one. If you are town, i attribute it to rust.

That being said, you are probably voting for town my mindmeld read is strong like boar. Whats your reasoning?

Jackrito and Proph I have played with before on homesite. Generally, they are readable for me as game goes on. But from the couple of posts Iā€™ve seen, nothing pings me badly. So, I have some idea of those slots enough to not be POE.

this is like, his only post where he explains his reasoning
and his reasoning on saddi just
feels like a poorly explained pocket
his read on memes doesnt feel natural at all
his read on zorvo is a back ref which i dont really like to see too much because usually thoughts change

i think thats the vaguely off thing i felt about him
because all of his reads are like this

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sorry not going to post until eod going into labour goodbye forever

That makes sense. Proph is null because i love proph x( come back buddy i want you to be my mason buddy.

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ouch. definitely rusty and never considered myself a good villager but ouch

pretty simple, i donā€™t rly think hally was ever trying to evaluate anyones alignment earlier during that debacle

and i currently kinda am leaning towards everybody in the thread earlier (me/you/memes/seth) being a villager right now, which is making me feel like hallys contributions kinda :confused: to me

and itā€™s a more spicy vote than heisenberg and also was a fun test of trust :joy_cat:

Sorry, i get a bit serious when it comes to mafia. If you are town dont take it personally i just have great respect for good players and keep all worlds open for them as long as possible because good players doing things good players shouldnt do is one of the best scum hunting tactics ever. Its just some are overzealous. I expect you to be solved for me mechanically before i can know for certain socially tbh.

I will re look at hally in the morning as it never hurts. She would be way below an alternative to heisen though currently. He has thread state going for him and not a lot else that made me actively go ā€˜this is goodā€™

The thing with zorvo on v you worlds btw is i put out the juicy wolf bait and he justā€¦ didnt care? He had been talking about you for awhile in relation to others, katze, and then when i laid down the hammer he was just not interesting. Thats not the town zorvo i know and kind of love lol.

also i randed one my favorite characters in the series as flavor nya
gl wolves trying to anticlaim me off that

lol dw im not actually offended

not rly a vote to kill her, just kinda something i felt like squinting at. i expect heisen or zorvo to die at eod today andā€¦ like i just said i think the latter is a villager but im still not entirely sure if its a bad vote :joy_cat:

Yes. This sums it up in another way. Which is another reason that heisen is something i dont like other than heisen.


Damm heisen himself has got nothing going for him but everything around him is telling me to run lol

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i meanā€¦ yeah to be blunt i dont rly know what hes doing. i think some of his posts earlier have a villagery mindset but like i said earlier trying to follow his processes for me this game has been nigh impossible, and the fakeclaim doesnt need to be talked about further but it also exists!

i mean you could argue that in a w!zorvo/v!me world that he probably takes that bait, yeah? like, people arent ever gonna rly be comfortable townreading me and the consensus read on me is ~below null, so its probably a wagon that could take off

but meh, i guess what it comes down to is i dont know his agenda, when i just watched him wolf recently his agenda was abundantly clear