Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

if arctics a villager you should probably kill me tonight/tomorrow

i kinda think this game is fucked if we’re v/v and the only way to salvage it is to make that public information as soon as possible

GaulSoodman is arctic or is that gghana?

[in the context of this]
[what are your thoughts on achro]

i dont think we have confirmation that a 3p specifically visited me, no?

We do

Unless I misread this

[it said action types not alignments]

gaul = ghana
saul/kim/howard = arctic

if arctic is villa i think achro is still very likely to be one too, i still feel very strongly that spf/achro towntold in nigh unfakeable ways d1

we dont, its a public voyeur check not an alignment check

(I’m dumb)

Maybe this is my cue to go sleep lol

[rue-as-rue is way better at]
[logical reads]
[than me-as-rue]
[i forgot where this post was going]
[something about ruby]

[did you know that oneshot world machine edition will be releasing for nintendo switch on september 22nd 2022]

[that is approximately 40% of the reason i’m doing this like this]

[20% of it is that i’m stressed and tired]
[which you can tell by the fact that i’m talking to myself in a mafia game thread]

[the other 40% is something that i’m not revealing just yet]
[but it’s real fun i promise]

Good night everyone.

Hope @eevee pops in over night or @Achromatic is going to go full like that kid from rings but it’s eevee computer screen he’s crawling out of

ur a nerd

[canon information]

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i regret making my comment about killing me if arctic is V because im scared that im a dumbass this game and i think i am extremely findable by my play today but c’est la vie i suppose


VOTE: Gaul Soodman