Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

Anger motivates you to prove me wrong.

I do think the thought of Ruby defending Katze but not trying to get any credit for pushing Heisenberg could be something worth considering.

This is why significant others playing in the same game is hard to read.

Says you.

blame yoloswag i just stole from him :fire:

i mean i want to say “too little too late bronana” but


if it takes me wanting to dome you for me to ever be a villager to you after you decided that
checks notes

a post informing the masses potentially less familiar with guillo that him doing that sort of fakeclaim(if fake) is not at all outing and a self aware post that was obviously self aware and written as such to be blatantly self aware are enough to make me indisputably lock wolf for over 4 days

then you’ve already lost the game (i dont know what ‘the game is’ in this analogy i just want to piss someone off with this line)

but i do find it personally hard to believe

and if it is the truth then i get to make ‘average arctic towngame’ jokes before i die next since i apparently am not being voted, like, at all? which is kinda unexpected but i dont think im complaining

unrelatedly i am mostly caught up and dont rly have much to add

i am maybe slightly more paranoid that i am doming a villager by the fact that people seem to not be struggling to take a side and by a few of their posts but meh, i think atp it still probably needs to be resolved

i kind of want @spf to comment on stuff whenever she has time again

ruby does historically have a fairly good read on me which is why im kinda torn as to how to parse her eod1

and am mostly waiting for more, which hasnt rly come yet

alternatively, defended katze yet didnt vote to save her over a flipped wolf :man_shrugging:

two sides of the same coin

if we think heisenberg was bussed that can very possibly be seen as a good look, which i think is what rue was getting at

whos wolfy on heisenwagon tho

afaict the wolfy ppl voted u

also u mentioned astand using roles with alt accounts like this before

are we uh, sure yeeting kim will work as intended lol

I have this issue , yes

It you think this what do you think about me who townread Katze but chose to stay on Zorvo instead of hammering Heisemberg?

tbh at EoD1 i thought my wagon was maybe pure lol

i am definitely less inclined to think that now

actually i could just be lazy and look at my earlier readlist cause i just got out of bed and dont feel like thinking


shit i guess i really only could answer gyr to that question lol

you seem like a villager who would do something like that

And Ruby wouldnt? Why?

Cause i know Trustworthy Liberal and they are a highly capable powerwolf.

but to be clear i’m not suggesting that makes ruby a wolf

i just disagree with townreading them for that particular reason


i’m gonna need more context than a list of names and a qusetion mark. do you think those ppl r wolfy?

I think those are the most plausible bussing slots on the wagon.


in one game there was a wolf role that was just a puppet account, if you executed it iirc it was flipless and nothing happened, it didnt count towards parity

in another there was a village role that started with an alt that bodyguarded said village role, and the villager could pass it around (it bodyguarded villagers and gave wolves a strongman shot). im not actually sure what happened if the alt in that game got yeeted? i forget how it would be removed from the game

i think those are the only two instances of additional-account roles in umineko games, rue might be able to fill in any gaps im forgetting? i think she’s played all the uminekos

so i dont think this one really falls under either, i assumed the SaulGoodman account would be the “host” account that if we needed to eliminate one specific one it’d be that one, but evidently that isnt the case

ive been mildly tempted to test to see if arctic actually functionally has two votes somehow – in the umineko with a puppet wolf account it did not actually have voting power – because i think if he did then i think it’d actually be more likely to be a village role, but im not sure how much id bet on that and it feels like a dangerous hostread to get wrong

and if it didnt i dont actually think it’d say much about his alignment

so shrug