Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

btw the only reason i want to argue with you is because i want to own you with facts and logic not to do anything constructive just so we’re on the same page

Blame Memes

VOTE: KimWexler

i want to own him with facts and logic

Over the Bounty?

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Over the bounty?

@guavagudetama or @spf
Might be the one who used the bounty.

Was it you Guav?

It’s not a good idea for the person who used it to claim it.

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can we not

I mean if it’s really beneficial for us we don’t want to waste their ability.


It wasn’t but if it was I think I would have saved it LOL, I doubt Eevee will flip today but you never know

Oh well.

I still think the person shouldn’t be prevented on claiming but yeah it’s their choice if they want to claim it or not.

Achro still has that difference check in Arctic/Katze so it’s all good.

You have misunderstood me. I have no difference check.

I kind of want to believe tbh.

Can someone give me a plain text list of everyone in game minus me and the npc i want to do rue’s homework but i am phone posting still because i am exhausted and comfy in my big chair like an old man with a blanket.

Im thinking about the bounty.

On one hand, it targeted a PoEd player.

On the other hand, it saves both top wagons from being eliminated today.

The circumstances seem too perfect to activate it.

Like, there was a wagon already being formed on eevee, i had declared i would chop him over arctic and Ruby. Achro softed a difference check so the bounty could be to prevent it.

Like it could be an attempt to clear PoE or to WIFOM us into not chopping eevee or to save arctic/ruby


I dont trust it!

It seems multiple people got confused by my meaning. I am being ultra vague to avoid any sort of anti claim ;o

I currently have no information for anyone.

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Like if the action was from town, they couldn’t pick a worse time for me