Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

About Kat thing?

Iā€™m mafia.

Hard claim. No rescind.


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i mean itā€™s literally just a vibe read so i dont think engaging with you about it is productive in any avenue

something something alien shapeshifter

im not super concerned about it rn for obvious reasons tho

this Seth stuff feels a lot like psych mafia 2 electric boogaloo

I donā€™t really want to be the guy who defended Seth if he is a wolf tho lmao



This is why I feel really dumb rn but Iā€™m like ignoring that feeling despite that

alright iā€™ll mislunch you before you can explain it and then try to claim it was a joke

I havenā€™t checked the op but since itā€™s kinda role madeness/light bastard, is there multiball

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i mean flat out i believe if you try to genuinely D1 me that youā€™re outted so glgl

no u donā€™t

yeah i kinda do

i donā€™t rly think v!you ~ever tries to D1 me bar extreme circumstances

the door was left open to 3p but not in a way that suggested multiball as a real possibility imo, but idk the host or fol meta

in time this site will be fortress of sufdaddy though


Hello everyone, i just took some time out of my busy schedule to tell you all that the host is shit. They have done nothing but been rude towards me and it has made me very upset. I specifically requested to be an ā€œUltimate Armor-Piercing Unkillable Serial Killerā€ and instead rolled a much less powerful role. Not only that, but the host called my request ā€œsillyā€ and that i was ā€œout of controlā€. As a result, I will be prodging the rest of the game in protest, and I hope many of you will join me. If you are the host reading this, it isnā€™t too late. If you give me the role I already so nicely requested, me and my followers will play the game as intended.
As to those not strong enough to disobey the hostā€™s wrath, I wish you all a good game. You are very lucky to be playing with me. I will be returning to writing my new AU while enjoying a packet of cheetohs and a coke zero. I will see you all next prodge.

[this is a copypasta. please do not try this at home.]


you trying to strongman this is super weird bronana

multiball isnt very common here (i dont actually remember the last multiball game here) and i kinda dont think astand would do anything beyond maaaaaybe a 2-3 person 3p team


I forgot my love/hate relationship with bastard games
