Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

orly :face_with_monocle:

its like

kinda sorta a vibe read and also from my impression of their meta

its a rly bad read and thus is not very strong

mum said it’s my turn to post weird

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(I have zero idea how to read phraze)

i dont think that is a good post to townread from phraze (he says after one game of experience)

sounds good locking phraze town unconditionally for the rest of the game

Have we played before?


I’m like the worst possible Katze reader, and I don’t have all of the context.

But the annoyed stuff coming from her I could maybe see her having it as V because I feel like she’s 1. Randomly been tunneled every game since Champs Finale and 2. She was kind of pulled into this game last second by everyone, and wasn’t into looking for a game to play.

So it’s like…I can see her not being in a totally good mood from the start?

It’s probably all NAI and I’m being stupid thinking this way, but that’s what I’m taking into accord when reading her so far.

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katze got plenty annoyed at pushes against her when i played a game where she was wolfin

not everyone practices the noble and sophisticated art of roman stoicism

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imo kat is lock cringe

i dont think ive been annoyed at pushes this game but also me being annoyed at pushes isnt ai

I think we played one or two games but I have specced a lot of your recent games

Yeah probably was a dumb post but was just throwing that out there, I actually don’t have a read on her right now.

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Have we played before? My long term memory is meh

do you have any tips on how i can better annoy you?

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How dare you call your doctor a wolf

My floof brain is gonna TR Brad/Sahbi/Katze. 4 down, IDK how many to go.


@Achromatic why is your pfp a big tiddies anime waifu


the bastard fiesta game but outside of that i don’t think so

ive seen you play plenty over the years, surprised its taken this long for our paths to have crossed

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