Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

OK bb. I’m hungry

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zack, hally

thoughts on min?

Remind me which one is zack people keep saying their name.

Also i dont even know if i know zack lol

some of their posts made me :fry: a bit, I don’t remember what or why and i’m not ghana look at an iso to check :curtain:

seems like a fine place for some d1 pressure

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Oh the wolf. Ic

extended grooves of mutant-funk

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I will say this is the most fun fol game I have had so far.

The sample size is 3 games so not saying much.

Maybe because I know most of the playerlist :curtain:

@nightingale has replaced @Blizer

Friendly reminder not to discuss replacements.

  1. When min random voted someone during rvs, he asked them to elaborate. It’s the equivalent of someone asking if their vote is serious when town assumes it is random.

  2. After being called out he froze, i would expect him to react right away because the sus was instantaneous and i made sure i posted at the time he’d see it. He knows i can catch scum in their first posts because he has seen me in action, he didnt know what to do, he didnt know to engage me and he knows i’d tunnel to death someone i believe is scum.

  3. After a while of me applying pressure he comesback andctells me that he is not scum then soon after the modposts happen and he fakes getting their roles outed. Doctor first, then a few posts later Ascetic.

I know very well that day rolecops give the full results in the same post, not split in two separate posts.
Also the alleged role result had clowns in it, true mod results are formatted formally, so players dont read into in an angleshooting manner. It was obvious that it is a modpost ability.

Zorvo plays along and pushes me accusing me of outing his two roles and that i must be mafia for it, which means he was hard claiming the results were real.

But ascetic is a passive ability that prevents any actions on the player except kills, therefor, the day rolecop wouldnt have worked, period.
Also an ability that outs mechanical information in the thread never comes from mafia, what’s the point if it could clear a player? Even more what’s the point of targeting Zorvo with it as mafia when he is being suspected.

It is obvious that the modposts came from Zorvo and he is using them to push agenda onto me and trick town into thinking that he cannot be investigated, that is a scum strategy, never a townie one.

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whats the difference between me and an outedwolf


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@katze enjoy my nice comment about fol for once


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Sup. How much have you read

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and i dont intend to read any either


its cuz im in this game :slight_smile:

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