Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

VOTE: Heisenberg
i dont really like the inability to explain it past “uncanny valley”
its like
capturing the memory of a vivid color (feeling of analysis)
without actually constructing the object that produced that color that would have to be there, even if its not the most striking part about it (the thoughts that lead to that specific feeling)


It was good till he brought up the tunneler thing

if im being honest i am completely out of the loop with the current controversy surrounding guilo’s reads because my eyes have glazed over anything in this game that even remotely relates to mechanics

so it’s possible that u have a legitimate point but i wouldnt know if u did lol

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this is such a mood nya

Inconclusive. I can believe him missing mech info and i can believe him pretending to miss mech info.

i think rokon is pocketing me. i townread them now


yeah but then it jumps me all the way to that post and i lose my place itt which is annoying on mobile

He’s doing associated reads in the w/t binary way atm on the game and it just feels fake.

my brother in crime has left me so i guess ill tunnel zorvo in peace

I’m willing to agree with Night being town.


This is a beautiful post tbh.

Time to iso whoever the fuck this is

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its okay i bus as wolf
your reads are in capable hands
unless im town then uh good luck

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achromatic vote heisenberg with us

u know u want to

what’s strange about it

I read your explanations, they seem very silly reasons lol

guillo has left the tunnel zorvo convention

but its ok becuz i still think hes a wolf and i will probably think that for this entire day phase

and not talk about it further because its not necessary, at least for now

Sadbi might be scum actually, who thinks i caught him trying to pocket Brad and i may reevaluate that.

You felt very defensive over a minor thing.

I want to tr night but everyone started tr her like rn so I feel like everyone is bandwagon ing it and I don’t want to seem like I’m not being genuine in my read of her but just know I’m tring night

What did i miss?