Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

I was the first to say this since like a day ago!
Beat yeah to it!!

Cause I think all of you are individually Townie and none of you are in my PoE.

My rolecard literally says the alignments in the neighborhood were not randed within the neighborhood, i.e. there was never any guarantee who would be in the hood, other than flavors, and the flavors are tied to our roles but neither of those is tied to our alignments.

Not really
All three of us said that in the hood on D2 actually

What are the flavors? @Gyrlander seems to know about the anime

Our flavors are all in our hood chat
I won’t out them unless @BradLand and @Jackrito agree to it
You will see my flavor anyway when I flip

I will ask Brad tonight

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By the way, i breadcrumbed hints about my character for scum to figure out.
If you tried to anti-claim it. LMAO get baited!


I’m not against outing them I have no idea if there’s repercussions for them or not.


As I said, our flavors are tied to our roles
But I guess we claimed already so uh, idk

I mean we claimed our roles already


I don’t care if I get anticlaimed

I think day doesn’t get better tbh

And you still all live? All of you?

Not at this rate, it doesn’t

Can we just hammer
